Part 13: Love's to Blame

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It's been a week since Kiera left for college. Jay has been distracting himself by working with Hailey to try to figure out the mystery behind medicine bottles in Michelle's half-bath.

Soon enough, Hank was catching onto what they were doing. Now that their Sergeant knows what they were up to, Jay brings the Unit up to speed on what's been going on with Michelle.

"All of these medicine bottles were found in the downstairs half-bath of Michelle's house. The ones that were behind the mirror had her name on them so they were obviously prescribed by a pharmacy." Jay explained, while taping up his evidence pictures.

"I've been digging into the local pharmacies to see if they have a record of prescriptions in Michelle's name." Hailey interjected.

"But, these bottles were hidden in the cabinet underneath the sink and none of them have labels, so they had to have come from the streets." Jay explained, while taping up his evidence pictures.

Everyone else was processing what was being explained and questioning why they're just now catching onto this three months later.

"Guys, I know what I saw. It all makes sense; from Michelle signing over guardianship, her not reaching out to Kiera over the summer, and this. She was obviously hiding it, especially from Kiera." Jay said.

"So, what do we make of this?" Kevin asked.

"We've come up with two theories. The first one is that Michelle has developed an addiction to pain medication to numb herself from the abuse. Which explains why she didn't want Kiera around her because she's trying to get herself better. The second one is that if the robberies that Shane was involved with went south, then they would take whatever they got their hands on and it would be drugs in this case. Either he was hiding them in that half-bath and Michelle didn't know about it or she's covering for him." Hailey theorized.

"Have either one of you reached out to Narcotics about this?" Hank asked Jay and Hailey.

"No." Hailey answered, but didn't make eye contact.

"Okay. They'll have to get in that house and clear the drugs so they can test it them. If they come up illegal, then we can build a case and confirm one of those two theories." Hank instructed.

"Hypothetically speaking, say if the second theory is true, what would happen to Michelle and Shane?" Kim asked.

"Shane would have a drug charge on his ass and he'll stay in prison longer. As for Michelle, she was clearly doing this to escape; however, she is getting help for recover. So, the worst she could get is just a fine." Adam explained.

"Jay, when was the last time you spoke to Michelle?" Hank asked him.

"Uhh, the week before Kiera's adoption." Jay answered.

"Did she say how she was doing?" Hank asked.

"According to her, she claims to be doing well in counseling. Why do you ask?" Jay said.

"Maybe we shouldn't come down too hard on Michelle because she has already made progress on getting her life back together so that'll only set her back. Let's not jump to conclusions until we have all the facts." Hank said to everyone.

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