Part 9: The Last Dance

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Jay comes home from work and he stops by his mailbox. While in the elevator, he thumbed through all the letters. The last thing was a postcard addressed to Kiera and it had a dance design on it.

Jay got to his apartment. He set his things down to see Kiera playing Mario Kart on the TV.

"Hey, champ." Jay said to get her attention.

"Hey. Can't talk, in the middle of a race." Kiera said very quickly.

Jay went to the fridge to get a beer, then stood behind the couch to watch Kiera's race. She was in 1st place as Princess Peach on a dirt bike.

"Dang it! Not the spiny shell!" Kiera grunted.

A computer racer activated the shell to send off to the racer in 1st place. The shell got to Peach and blew her back into 4th place. Kiera managed to get into 2nd place before the end of the final lap.

"Second place is still good." Jay said, then took a sip of his beer.

"I suppose." Kiera exhaled in disappointment, then turned off the video game system.

"Come here. You got something in the mail." Jay said, then walked over to the island.

Kiera seemed confused as she walked over to the island. Jay handed her the postcard and she read it to herself.

"What is it?" he asked, then took another sip of his beer.

"It's an invitation to a dance." Kiera said, while looking at the postcard.

"A dance?" Jay questioned.

"It's not just any dance. It's the Father-Daughter military dance. My Dad took me every year, it was one of the very few times I could do something with him. Shane took me when I was in middle school, but that was before his prison sentence and the abuse." Kiera explained.

"I see." Jay said.

"Oh! It's the last dance that I'll be allowed to attend because I'll age out next year." Kiera said.

"Kiera, listen. I know I'm not your Dad, but I feel like I'm becoming a father figure to you. Would you like me to take you to the dance?" Jay offered.

Kiera's eyes widened and a smile came on her face.

"Really?! You'd do that for me?" she questioned.

"Of course. This is special to you." Jay said.

"Oh my gosh! I gotta get a new dress, look up hairstyles, and we gotta practice dancing." Kiera listed.

"Whoa, pump your brakes. We'll get that all figured out." Jay said, placing his hands on her shoulders to get her excitement under control.

"Sorry, I just got excited." Kiera said, then stuck the invitation on the fridge with a magnet.

"Umm, I take it that the Dads wear their uniforms since it's a military dance." Jay assumed.

"Yeah. The majority of the Dads wear their military uniforms, but some of them just wear suits. I guess you could wear your police uniform if you want, but I'm not picky." Kiera explained.

"Okay. I just don't wear my military or police uniform unless if it's for a funeral or reunion." Jay said.

"Again, I'm not picky. So, you can wear whatever you want, as long as it's formal." Kiera said.

Jay threw away his beer bottle, then he noticed Kiera was trying to move some of the furniture in the living room.

"What are you doing, champ?" he asked.

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