Part 7: Fireworks

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It's now the middle of July and Kiera wakes up kinda late one morning. She knows what day is and she's been anticipating it for a while. It's the anniversary of her Dad's passing and she takes the day to honor his memory. He died six years ago, while he was serving in the military. Kiera was in her pre-teen years and was about to start middle school when he passed away.

She gets dressed in a white sundress and puts her hair up in a low ponytail. She walks out of the guest bedroom to find that she's alone in the apartment. Kiera breathes a sigh of relief because she didn't want Jay to see her like this.

She gets on the bus to head to her house to get her car, then she drives to Walmart to get a bouquet of flowers and a garden-size American flag. Next, she heads to a local bakery called "SweetHearts," which was where she used to work part-time.

Kiera parked on the curb by the bakery. She walks up to the door, noticing that the window blends are still down and the sign says "CLOSED." She knocks on the glass door to see if someone can let her in, then her boss comes to the door. She looked surprised to see Kiera because she loves all of her employees like her own.

"Kiera, what a nice surprise!" her boss said in her usual cheery voice as she let her inside.

"Hi, Ms. Sharyn." Kiera said, giving her a hug.

"It's a been while. What have you been up to?" Ms. Sharyn asked.

"A lot's been going on this summer. Unfortunately, today is that day of the year." Kiera said.

Ms. Sharyn knew what she meant and her instincts kicked in.

"Say no more. I gotcha covered, sugar." she said.

Ms. Sharyn walked behind the front counter and opened a cabinet. After a few seconds of rummaging, she pulled out two jars of chocolate cake frosting and put them in a plastic bag.

"Thanks." Kiera said, accepting the bag.

"Of course, anything for my employees." Ms. Sharyn said.

Kiera was about to walk out the door, but Ms. Sharyn got her attention again.

"Hey, Kiera." she said.

"Yes?" Kiera said as she turned around to face her boss.

"You know you're welcome back here anytime." Ms. Sharyn said.

"I know, I appreciate it." Kiera said.

"Take care now, sugar." Ms. Sharyn said.

Kiera walks out of bakery and gets back in her car. She heads to the St. Bernard's Cemetery to spend some time at her father's gravesite. She pulled into the parking lot and walks around to look for her father's headstone.

Vincent Keith Ralston
1972 - 2017
Dedicated Soldier and Beloved Father

Kiera placed the flower bouquet by the headstone and replaces the American flag on the pole because the old one had dry rotted from the elements.

She kneels down in front of the headstone and pulls out a photograph from her purse. It's the last picture that was taken of her and her father. It was from one of her cheerleading competitions and she holding the team's winning trophy.

"Hi, Daddy. It's your munchkin, Kiera. As you know, today is the day that I come by. I wish you could be here to witness everything that I've been doing. I know that no one can take your place, but I have someone that's fulfilling the father figure in my life. His name is Jay Halstead and he's a Chicago police detective. He's really taken me under his wing and loves me like his own. I hope you're okay with that." Kiera said.

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