Part 11: Happy Birthday

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It was getting close to the end of August. Jay was about to leave the apartment to go to work when something on the calendar caught his attention. Kiera's 18th birthday was on that Friday, which means that he only has a few days to plan special something for her.

Jay thought of ideas as he drove to work. The only idea he had was having a little celebration with everyone in Intelligence. He got to the District and went up to the Intelligence Unit.

"Hey, Sarge. You got a minute?" Jay asked.

"Sure, come on in." Hank said.

Jay sits down in front of Hank's desk.

"Kiera's birthday is this Friday. Is it too much to ask if we can celebrate her birthday here?" Jay asked.

"Hmm." Hank murmured, pondering the idea.

"It won't be anything big. Just cake, presents, and maybe a little decorations." Jay thought.

"I'll allow it. She's a resilient kid who deserves to celebrate her special day with people that has been there for her." Hank said.

"Thank you." Jay said, shaking hands with his Sergeant.

"Guys, how do you feel about setting up a surprise party for Kiera? It's not gonna be like a blowout, just something small yet meaningful." Jay asked everyone.

They all got excited at the idea and thought it would be cool.

"I can order the cake." Kim said.

"The rest of us can take care of decorations." Adam volunteered.

"Has Kiera mentioned any gift ideas?" Hailey asked.

"She likes music, reading, and watercolor, along with needing a few more things for her dorm room. Honestly, if you guys see something that you think she would like, just go with your gut." Jay explained.

After the team figured out everything, Jay put his trust in them to make this party special.

The next day, Kim goes into SweetHearts bakery before going to work to order Kiera's birthday cake. She is greeted by Ms. Sharyn at the register.

"Hi. Welcome to SweetHearts. How can I help you?" she said.

"Thank you. I'm here to order a birthday cake." Kim says.

"Here's our design book that contains all the options we can make." Ms. Sharyn said, setting down a thick binder on the counter.

Kim was thumbing through the binder to look at all the options the bakery can do for a cake.

"Wow, you guys sure do have a lot to offer. It's so hard to choose because all these designs look incredible." Kim complimented.

"Thank you. Mind if I ask whose birthday is coming up?" Ms. Sharyn asked.

"My coworker's daughter. Her name is Kiera." Kim answered.

"Kiera Ralston?" Ms. Sharyn questioned.

"Yeah. How do you know her?" Kim asked.

"She used to work here part-time a while back." Ms. Sharyn explained.

"No way. I see why she liked working here." Kim said.

"Oh yes. Kiera was a great employee and I really bonded with her." Ms. Sharyn explained.

"Umm, do you have any recommendations on what Kiera would like since you know her so well?" Kim asked to change the subject back.

"I've made her birthday cake for the past few years and this one is her absolute favorite." Ms. Sharyn said, pointing to a picture of a chocolate cake with rainbow sprinkles.

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