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4:34 AM

i woke up to banging on my dorm room window and sat up quickly to see dd trying to open the window from outside. i quickly got up to open the window which was big enough for him to fit and let him in. he gave me a big hug and kissed me on the head.

DD: "you been ok?"

he said breaking the hug still holsing my waist. i nodded and went back for a hug.

DD: "c'mere ma"

dd sat on my bed leaning his back on the headboard and patted the space next to him signalling me to sit next to him so i did.

he wrapped his arm around me and i rested my head on his shoulder.

DD: "ian mean to wake you up"

Y/N: "u was bangin at my window at 4am tryin not ta wake me up?"

DD: "ay i missed you. n i'm grounded my momma not lettin me go nowhere not even the stu"

Y/N: "wait isn't it like a 2 hour drive?"

DD: "ye i took jay's car"

i pulled him into another hug.

Y/N: "you know you ain had ta do allat"

DD: "course i did, you ma girl "

Y/N: "fareal?"

DD: "i nearly shot a nigga bout u, u think i did that shit fa fun?"

Y/N: "yes.."

he pushed my arm slightly and we started laughing.

Y/N: "dd shhh"

i said between my laughs. we continued talking for another hour til i noticed the time.

Y/N: "yo mama got work today?"

DD: "ye why"

Y/N: "she finna be up in a hour you needa head back befo she know you gone"

DD: "fuck that shit i wanna stay witchu"

he said covering himself in my blankets but i ripped them off him quickly.

Y/N: "baby if anybody else catch you here i'ma be in shit"

DD: "igh fine i'm goin."

Y/N: "waait"

i said following him off the bed.

Y/N: "i love you"

DD: "i love you too mami"

Y/N: "be safe ok?"

i said to him as he went out the window. i watched him leave then closed my window nd blinds once I couldn't see him and went back to sleep.

summer camp :: dd osamaWhere stories live. Discover now