2.Someone From Past

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Everyone In Malhotra Mansion was very happy as they see the news and everyone was trying to call Manik But He didn't attend any call.

Cab:  uffo Uncle Where is your useless son.

Nyo: Heyyy Don't you call me sin Useless and how would be he know if by chance he knew he would be squeezing him in his arms.

Shri: Exactly I am So Happy today. But where can he go. you checked his room right Cabir.

Ca: Uncle you know na how possessive that monster is about himself and his family do you really think he would leave his door open so this us confirm that he isn't in his room.

Shri: Yeh bhi sahi hai He Don't do this ever.

Alia: Call Nandu I am sure he is with her only and she would definitely answer our call.

Muk: Yeah Exactly we didn't thought about this.

Dh: My Baby Is so intelligent.

Ca: And here comes the baba of his baby.

And Dhruliya glare at him while he just laugh making other laugh too and then Cabir Call nandu

Here in their room MaNanRav was sleeping peacefully Nandu was btween both father son Manik had his head in the crook of her neck while aru's head was on her chest Aru's arm around her chest area and manik had his arms around her waist and both of their one one leg was on her each leg. They were half laying on Nandu while nandu had her hands in both of their hairs.

When the phone rings first they all moved manik hide his face more in her neck and Aru hide his face in her chest. Nandu crease their head and they all sleep again but the phone didn't stop ringing. After getting highly irritated Nandu wake up and see the scene Infront of her her two lifeline clinging on her the best view for her and it brings a beautiful smile on her lips she kiss both of their forehead. She was admiring them forgetting about the call but soon it again rang and Nandu sigh and Pick it up without looking at the caller id.

Nan( Yelling): Who the hell are If a person is not picking up take that as a signal dude he she might be busy or sleeping unlike you disturbing people.

Ca: Woah woah sherni take breath I am your friend like a brother Cabir Dhawan your best friend's one and only husband.

Nav: Just shutup cabir talk about for which we called her

Nan: Thank God Navu you are there with him I might just loss my mind wait a min Why the hell you are calling me in the early morning

Ca: Kyun kal raat Manik ne kuch zayda hi thaka diya kya.

Nan(yells): Cabirrrr.

And listening her yell Both father son duo also yells still having their dace buried in her.

ManRav: Biwi/Amma.

Nan: Sorry Sorry Shhh Sleep.

Nandu crease their heads and soon they were both sleep again.

Nan: Cabirr just Shutup becoz of you they both got disturbed and can anyone tell me now why you call me.

Al: Relax Nandi we all are here on call is on speaker we call you to know where you guyz are actually.

Nan: What do you mean by where We are at our home in our room where would we go.

And Everyone Glare at Cabir who smile in nervousness.

Ca: Then why is your room door open.

Nan: oh I forgot to lock and as no one was home I didn't need to do that. When are you guyz coming and you call me so many times just to aks my location what is happening.

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