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Hope you guyz liked the glimpse😉

Lets get started then...

Manik was Sitting with Nandu and Aarav He pat their cheeks but there was no response Tears were running down his cheeks His world stop as He see the blood on his hands his world stop he couldn't think of anything he didn't hear anything he didn't saw what exactly was happening. And there was Darkness Infront of his eyes.

After few hours.

Manik open his eyes with difficulty adjusting to the bright light he look around after he open his eyes his vision was blurry there were bright light and whisper of people he couldn't understand he shake his head a little and rub his eyes and after some time his vision become little clear and the whispers also become clear he was in hospital and His friends were there with him asking him how he is and calling the doctor.

As he Compose himself he remember his last memory his Life lines laying unconscious in his arms where are they why is he here he needs to be with them What happened to them.

The Doctor Arrive was checking him when he get up from the bed

Dr: Mr.Malhotra don't get up like this take a little rest and then you will be all okay.

Ma: Where is My Wife and Son.

There was no reply from the doctor and his friends.

Ma(Raising his voice): I asked Where Is my Wife and son.

Dr: They are here only.

Ma: I want to see them take me to them

Dr: That's not possible for now you have to take rest You will see them don't worry.

Ma: Cabir Take me to them I need to see them Okay.

Ca(hesitant): Manik They are okay You just relax okay I will take you to them soon Promise For me take some rest.

Ma: Cabir You are not Understanding I want to see them okay I can't rest I can't take that memory out of my mind i need to see them okay.

Ca: Manik I know But You have to be little patient You will see them but not now.

Ma: They are Okay Na Tell me They are Fine Nothing happened to them You are not taking me to them intentionally.

Ca(Stuttering): Its..Not Like That Manik They...are..okay.

Ma: Then Why are you Stuttering Tell me Clearly What happened to them.

Ca: I am Saying you nothing happen to them.

Ma: No i know You are saying this so i don't go I want to se Get aside.

Cabir look at others and they give we can't stop him look.

Manik run and Ask from a nurse where is his wife and son and she tells him the room no so he ran towards the room as he reach the room he see Nandu was trying to sit on the bed.

He just went and hug her Tightly nandu got stunned with his sudden hug nonetheless wrap her arms around him and it got tighter as she felt his tears in her neck

Na: Shhh I am Okay See Main Bilkul theek Hoon kuch nahi hua hai mujhe Its just little weakness nothing else.Shh.

And she crease his hairs and after some time he relax he take his face out nandu wipe his face and kiss his cheeks.

Ma: If She was Okay Why weren't you let me come.

Nyo: Becoz I told him And She was uncouncious she just regained conscious If you would see her like that I knew You would Not Be sane so I ask them not to let you come if you wake up before her and fortunately she woke up with you only

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