6.Sad Aru😔

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Next Morning.
Nandu wake up with huge noise of something falling she get up with jerk and see the bed empty and see the room state it was all upside down everything was messed up and she slap her head knowing What is happening so she directly went to their bathroom to see Manik and Aru was laughing sitting on the floor all naked and there was shampoo bottles and the liquid sopa bottle every skin care product was squeeze on the walls and on their bodies they were covered in foam only and the bathroom floor was all slippery. It made Nandu Super angry She knows why they did it.

Nan(yells): Malhotras.

And with the swift motion they both look at her and their laugh stop and it replace with fear of her. They tried to say something or make their puupy face but she glare at them making them shut and they put their fingers on their lips.

Nan: In the Bath tub And Thankyou so Much for leaving that unharmed How did you guys manage that.

Aru: We were just going to do that only amma.

And Manik and Nandu both glare at him and he give a sheepish smile

Nan: Now and in 5 mins I want you both in your bathrobes fast.

And ManRav Immediately go in the bathtub and take a bath while nandu call Nyo to send their clothes with someone as Only Nyo is Allowed in his room if any emergency That Man is Very protective about his privacy.And Also To tell her what happened last night and To take some action

After 5 Mins Both Father son duo come in their Bathrobe and Nandu was going in the bathroom when they they stop her an give her their puppy eyes and she melts.

Nan: Okay Fine in few mins Someone will come with our clothes okay give me mine and you both get ready also okay. And today we will drop you to school okay bacha and Order breakfast in mean time okay. Maa Papa will handle him get that

And they both nod and she went and they know she is angry but they can't do anything He deserve it.

So the scene is As Aryaman make him super angry so like last time he make the plan and He wake up early in the morning to execute his plan he accidentally wake aru also so on his asking he told her that Last might was their Special Time and Arya disturb them and that made Aarav malhotra angry and he also accompany his father in the plan of his punishment so MaNan Has Told Aarav that sometimes his Amma and Baba Spend some time alone with him and its their special time it doesn't mean they don't love you and ignore you it just that they need some time for themselves but if you ever need us you just have to say never care about our Special time becoz nothing is more important than you and aarav understood it and He is very particular that No one should disturb his parents in their special time and As This hotel is of Arya in the beginning manik wasn't ready to come here or any of his hotels if they want to spend some time But eventually he agreed as arya did let him go as he knows there would be Problems they have to face regarding their Privacy in other hotels which they will not face here but in return of his stay in his hotels which only benifits Manik he ask that he will do all the cleaning after they leave the room no room service and servent would go in that room so They Made the room full dirty so Arya has to Clean it this is their punishment otherwise his mom dad would make him understand the matter properly No doubt they are Nandu's friends but from the time the meet Manik's parents they also consider them their parents and nyo and shri always say that they have the right to teach you all lesson and make you see the mistake you did becoz we are Your parents play pranks do your part but never point out there mistakes as you guyz are age fellows and Friend it will become bitter if not now then after sometime but if they do that you guyz will understand and never repeat that so if anyone does anything come to us.

Someone knock their door manik wear his bathrobe and take their clothes he give nandu her clothes and get ready and make aru also ready for his school.nandu also come fully ready and both boys look at her with puppy eye trying their best to melt her.

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