Chapter 1

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"Lux! Over here!"

"Could you tell us about the recent drama that's floating around..."

"Ms. Dalton, how are you responding to the publicity of your..."

"You look stunning!"

"Is it true that today is the first day of shooting your new movie?"


I smiled and waved to the press and fans that surrounded me as I got into the back of my car. The driver closed the door behind me and went around to the front.

I loved the attention. I loved being an icon; a role model. I loved the constant bombardment of people wanting to know what was going on in my life. I liked how people were interested in me. That was how I knew fame was for me. It was what I was meant to do.

As we drove to the studio, I looked out the window and watched the momentary blurs of palm trees and tourists. The early morning sun shone directly into my eyes, causing me to turn away from the outside view.

Today was the first day of shooting the new movie I'd been casted as the lead in. It was being directed by Elliot Bradford, one of the most well-known and successful directors of the twenty first century. He'd casted me on the spot, said I was perfect and exactly what he'd envisioned. Coming from a man with a reputation like his, that meant everything to me.

Within the previous years, I'd rapidly climbed the latter of Hollywood popularity. It started out with some modeling, then I got a few minor acting jobs, and had a few flings with sexy heartthrobs for some publicity. It wasn't until my first lead role that I began to make a name for myself. Once that movie did well—a corny Hallmark-style rom-com—the acting jobs came flooding. Most of them were romance, but it paid the bills and made a name for myself.

However, it was two years ago that I hit the true threshold of fame. A combination of starring in the viral blockbuster movie You Can't Catch Me, and the beginning of my relationship with the hottest man in Hollywood really skyrocketed me to the top. I was nominated for an Emmy and a People's Choice Award.

Colton Barnes, the guy that every teenage girl and her mother swooned over. He was handsome—had a well-kept beard; a short, clean, haircut; looked incredibly sexy in a suit; and had the most beautiful shade of brown skin you'd ever seen—and charismatic. I understood firsthand the attraction that everyone had toward him.

The public loved Colton and I. Two beautiful people, together, to make a beautiful couple. The guys loved me and the girls loved him. Both of us starring in successful movies left and right. Attending award shows hand in hand. We were Hollywood's power couple.

When we made the public announcement that we were engaged, the press went wild. The two of us were every headline of every magazine for months. The engagement brought even more attention to us. We probably did about fifty wedding shoots. Then, when I made the decision to break up with him—about two weeks ago—I'd suddenly had more attention than I'd ever had in my entire career.

"Ms. Dalton, we've arrived," my driver said. "Have a good first day."

I thanked him and got out of the car, staring at the studio we'd be spending the next few weeks at until we would start filming at locations. The place was just a giant white warehouse, glistening in the hot California sun. I smiled and prepared for the movie that would be my biggest one yet.

When I entered, the crew was scattered in a busy manner; a few of them stopped to take a glance at me. I made my way over toward Elliot who was talking to a woman in khakis and a black polo, clipboard in hand. He turned to greet meet. "Lux Dalton! Star of the movie! How are you this morning?"

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