Chapter 5

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"How was your hangover yesterday?" Ava asked as I walked through the trailer door.

"Not horrible, thanks to you." I'd woken up to a pill and glass of water beside my bed. She'd left me a note too.

For your hangover.


P.S. This is not Pretty Little Liars, the A stands for Ava.

P.S. Part 2: I hope you overdose.

She stood up and walked in my direction, stopping only a few inches away from me. "Are you doing alright?"

I rolled my eyes and pushed her backward a bit. "You don't have to be nice just because I cried in front of you."

"Oh, believe me, I won't be."

"Wow, I was expecting at least some sort of resistance."

"Sit," she said, spinning the chair around. I complied.

"So you really hate your boyfriend's parents, huh?"

"Hate is too nice of a word, more like deeply despise."

"And why is that?"

She groaned. "They're stuck-up, think-they're better-than-everyone, rich bitches." Then she started laughing. "Kind of like you."

I stood up, turned to face her, and placed my hands on my hips. "I will not stand for this abuse any longer."

She laughed even harder and pushed me back down into the chair, this time not turning me around. She used her index finger to tilt my chin upwards and look her into the eyes. "I'm not sure why people think you're such an intimidating, powerful, woman. To me at least, you come off as cute and a little dumb."

"Is that because I'm blonde?"


"Elle Woods is blonde."

"Elle Woods is a fictional, and very unrealistic, character from a PG thirteen movie that was made to encourage tween girls to become lawyers and join sororities."

Noticing that her finger had still been lifting my chin, I took the opportunity to mess with her. "You called me cute and won't stop caressing me. Just face it, you're in love."

"I'd sooner marry Donald Trump," she retorted, removing her hand and starting on the makeup.

"I'm just going to assume that you're a gun owning, God worshipping, republican."

"Say that again and I'll never speak to you again."

I smiled, teasingly. "I wouldn't mind that."

"Says the girl who begged me to come over Saturday night."

"You're never going to let that go, huh?"

A slight smirk met her lips. "Nope." She looked me in the eyes, something we both usually avoided when we were this close. I wasn't quite sure what she was trying to communicate, but I didn't look away; I tried to understand.

"You're really frustrating," she said.

"Am I?"


I grinned, playfully, "I can be a lot worse."

She broke eye contact, finally, looking behind me for a brush. "You make me want to quit my job."

"You should have told me it was that easy."

"On second thought," she said, "I would never do that to you. I know how much you'd miss me."

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