Chapter 13

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"Good morning," Ava said when she entered the trailer. She spun my chair around on its wheels to face me away from her and began to massage my shoulders. "Are you alright?"

No. I was not alright. I was petrified, about to do a sex scene with Tony Frazier right in front of Ava. "No."

She leant down and placed a few pecks on my shoulder and neck. I watched her in the mirror. "What's wrong?"

"I have to pretend to enjoy being fucked by Tony Frazier while you watch."

She smiled. "You know...we could turn this whole thing into a game."

"What sort of game?"

She leant down again to nibble my ear and whisper, "Pretend I'm the one fucking you. The louder you scream the more I know you want me."

I turned around to face her, our noses touching. "But what if I accidentally say your name?"

She smirked, as if it pleased her to know I might slip up in her honor. "Let's hope there will be no accidents."

I was about to kiss her when she backed away and went to get some makeup from the vanity. She came back and began spreading foundation.

"I'm almost done with Jane Eyre," I told her.

She looked shocked. "Really?"

"Yeah, and it's really good."

"That was fast."

"Well, you know, living alone, not able to go out, allows lots of time for reading."

She kissed me briefly on the lips before there was a knock at the door. Ava went to answer it. "Hi."

It was Jessie—the fan girl. "I would just like to inform you both that during filming of the intimate scene today we will only have the necessary people on set today—that includes you, Ms. De La Cruz."

I smiled. "Thank you, Jessie."

She lit up. "Yeah, of course. And Mr. Bradford expects you both on set in twenty minutes. He also advises Ms. Dalton to come dressed in only a robe."

I nodded. "Okay, thank you."

Ava closed the door and resumed her makeup a bit faster. "She's like a kid in a candy store around you."

"Understandably so."

She rolled her eyes and then adopted a very different expression. "What's wrong?" I asked.

She avoided eye contact. "I kind of forgot that you were going to be naked."

I smiled. "That's kind of how sex works."

"I was just hoping the first time I saw you naked we would know..."

My eyebrow raised. "Well, I am going to need to undress to get into that robe."

Her face went red. I rather liked this side to her.

When she finished my makeup, we had about five minutes before we were required to be on set. I stood up, close to her. But before I was able to begin undressing myself, she reached for my top and pulled it off. I was taken by surprise but allowed her to do so. When that was off, she reached for the button on my jeans and began pulling those down. I was soon only left in underwear. She reached behind me and let her hands linger on my bra strap. Our chests were almost touching. I leant over to kiss her briefly and she let my bra drop to the floor. Suddenly I felt incredibly vulnerable. After pulling my underwear down she looked over me.

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