Chapter 3

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"Good morning," I mumbled into Daniel's ear. "When's your first class?"

He rubbed his eyes, still trying to wake up. "Noon, I think."

"Good," I smiled, "I don't have to go into work until two."

His muscular arms reached around my bare lower back. "Do you wanna go to the farmer's market? We haven't been in a while."

"Yeah, that sounds nice."

I gave him a kiss before getting out of bed. Daniel watched as I changed. When I went to pull my hair back into a ponytail, the hair tie snapped. If only I'd had a penny for every time that happened, I would have a higher net worth than Elon Musk. The thickness of my hair was so dense that I had to order specially strong hair ties from a sketchy company based in Thailand.

Thanks to Daniel's parents, we had a Porche to share. I loved that car. It always smelled like fresh leather. We drove to the farmer's market that we'd used to go to every Sunday morning before I graduated. It was small; only the locals knew about. No tourists or famous people. Just normal people on a normal morning. We'd become regulars—me more than Daniel since I'd sometimes go by myself—and knew most of the sellers.

It was a beautiful morning—most mornings were in LA. The dew still covered the grass, the sun shone, the air was a bit cool and moist. I linked my arm with Daniel's and smiled. "Let's buy some blueberries from Patty. I haven't seen her in forever."

"She hates me."

"But she loves me."

He rolled his eyes. "You're starting to sound like that woman from your work."

I stopped walking. "You did not just say that."

"Wow you must really hate her."

"I do, so don't ever say that again or I will move out."

"I wouldn't mind having the place to myself."

I lightly slapped his arm. "Now you're starting to sound like her."

"I mean, if she's the main character, that means she's gotta be hot."

"Oh my god, I hate both of you."

He relinked our arms. "You know I'm just joking. Let's go see Patty."

We walked toward the familiar stand. "Ava! My baby, how are you? It's been so long."

I smiled. "I'm great. What about you and the kids?"

"Oh, Conner just started high school. And Sally's going through her rebel phase; partying, dying her hair, all that stuff."

"I remember those days."

She laughed. "How are you, Daniel? Treating Ava well, I hope."

He laughed, his polite laugh, the fake one he used around my parents. "Of course," he turned to me, "isn't that right, babe?"


"Good." She smiled. "You two haven't been here in so long!"

"I know, I've been so busy with work. This new actress I'm dealing with is such a bitch."

"Oh, most of them are, sweetie." She laughed. "Everyone worships them so it only makes sense for them to worship themselves. But maybe you could be the one to knock some sense into her."

"Oh, believe me, I am."

She laughed. "As expected."

"Anyway, we just wanted to come and say hi," Daniel said, excusing us.

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