Chapter 10

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"You like her."

My eyebrows furrowed. "What?"

It was the day before I was to go to Ava's Christmas party and my weekly meet up with Mikayla and Drew. We'd decided to go to the beach and were sprawled out on our towels, bathing in the sun.

I propped myself up on my elbow to get a better look at them.

"You fucking like her, dumbass," Mikayla said as if it were the most obvious thing in the world.

"But I'm not gay."

Drew pulled her sunglasses down to get a better look at me. "There's a thing called bisexuality, you know."

Again, my brows furrowed. "But I've never liked a woman before."

"Maybe you have but just didn't know it."

"Kind of like now," Mikayla said.

Did I really like a woman? And of all women, why not a fellow famous one? "How are you guys so sure of it?"

They both looked at me and me and started laughing.


Mikayla smiled. "You talk about her non stop."

"And when you do, it's as if she's God or something."

"And when we met her at the club you couldn't tear your eyes off her."

"And you look at her the way you looked at Colton."

"And you blush when she-"

"Okay," I interrupted, "I get it."

"The two of you are actually rather cute together," Drew said.

I excused myself to go for a swim and thought back on what they'd said. It seemed so obvious now. How could I of not noticed? Although the real question going through my mind was whether or not she liked me. If it were anyone else in the world I would have assumed so, but Ava was different; fame and public opinion didn't seem to have any effect on her. Not to mention that she had a boyfriend. But then again, she'd cuddled with me a few times and called me by pet names only the previous day.

I suppose there was only one way to find out.


My doorbell rang at precisely four o'clock. I rushed to answer it, being slowed by my heels and tight Alexander McQueen dress. It had taken me over two hours to get ready in order to look perfect for Ava and her family.

Ava stood on the other side of the door, dressed in a satin dark green dress with a slit down the left leg. Her thick, curly hair was put up, two strands hanging down on either side of her face. She looked beautiful; more so than I could ever be. I held up the bottle of wine I'd bought for her family.

"I hope that was expensive," she said.

"It was."

A small smile formed on her lips and she turned to lead the way toward my driveway where a nice Porche awaited. I was to finally meet her boyfriend and see what made him so great as to have a woman like Ava.

I hopped into the back seat and the guy turned around to face me. His eyes widened. "Holy shit, you're Lux Dalton."

I looked over to Ava—in the passenger's seat. Had she not told him who I was?

I stuck my hand out and chuckled. "Yep, that's me."

He was suddenly overtaken by blush. "It's so nice to meet you. I'm a huge fan." He took my hand and shook it enthusiastically. "Ava never told me she was working with you."

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