Chapter 11

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"Merry Christmas!" Lux cheered as I came through the door. She'd decorated the trailer with a small, fake christmas tree, tinsel, streamers, reefs, stockings, etc.

"It's not Christmas yet, dumbass. Check your calendar."

"My hot and sexy shirtless firemen calendar? Oh believe me, I check it." I cringed at that. Who actually bought those? She continued, "Today's the last day I see you before Christmas so I thought we could celebrate early."

"Believe it or not, we have jobs that need to be worked."

"But peace, love, and Jesus's birthday are way more important than a stupid movie."

I gasped. "Are you actually admitting that something is more important than one of your movies!?"

"Yes, I am."

I smiled. "Well I can't say no to that."

"Yay!" she rushed over to me, "Oh my god, we're going to have so much fun. We'll-"

"After work we can do whatever you have planned. But for now," I pushed her down in the chair, "I'm doing your makeup."

She rolled her eyes. "Fine."

I brought a brush to her face and got to work.

"So...we haven't been able to talk since the Christmas party."

"We haven't, no."

There was a minute of silence before she spoke again, "Is there anything you want to say?"

"Nope. Is there anything you want to say?"


Again, a minute of silence. This time, however, I was the one to break it. "Has my sister harassed you with calls yet?"

She chuckled. "A few, yeah. But I enjoy them. We have nice chats."

"Because you talk about yourself the entire time and she's actually interested?"


"You're so full of yourself." I took her face in my hand to get a better view of my application of brow liner.

"At least I don't hate myself."

My grip tightened on her her chin. She looked up at me, into my eyes. I felt a lump forming in my throat and released my hand, going over to the vanity to retrieve eye liner. She appeared from behind, turning me around to face her. I kept my head down.

"I wasn't thinking," she said, staring at me.

"You never think."

"I never think."

"You have no common sense."

"I have no common sense."

"You're not better than everyone else."

She hesitated. "I'm not better than everyone else."

I looked up at her. "I'm sorry, I didn't quite hear you. Could you say that again?"

She gave me a look and placed both hands on the built-in vanity table behind me, leaning forward and closing more of the gap between us. I was locked between her arms. "I'm not better than anyone else."

A hint of a smile played at my lips. "One more time."

"You're a better person than me. Even if I hate to admit it, we both know it's true."

I wrapped my arms up around the back of her neck and pulled her face closer to mine. "Keep going."

She smiled. "You make me a better person and I-"

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