Chapter 9

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As the next few months flew by I found myself growing quite attached to Ava. Mikayla and Drew always got a funny look on their faces whenever I would bring her up, although I didn't know why.

As the movie was coming into the last two months of filming, Tony and I had more scenes together and we found each other's company to be quite pleasant.

One day, after filming, Tony pulled me aside to ask if I'd like to grab dinner with him. I accepted his offer gratefully. When I got back to the trailer to change and grab my stuff, I decided to tell Ava.

"You've got a date?" she asked.

"No, it's just dinner."

"Yeah, a dinner between two young, attractive celebrities who play lovers in the movie they're filming together."

"So? You're young and attractive and we have dinner together all the time."

She visibly tensed up and I noticed her cheeks grow slightly pink. "Yeah, well, one, I'm not a celebrity. Two, I'm a woman. Three, I have a boyfriend. And four, we're friends so it's different."

I smiled at the last point she made and crossed over the room to teasingly poke her in the stomach. "Look at you, all proud of our friendship."

She swatted my hand away and fought back her smile. "The point is that Tony asked you on a date and the press are most definitely going to eat it up, especially regarding the fact that the two of you are filming the same movie together. And lots of people will see those articles; that includes..." she trailed off and I got the sense that she was insinuating Colton.

"Okay, then I'll ask him to come to my house for dinner so that the press don't see us."

Her eyes widened. "No, no, he'll definitely interpret that the wrong way. He might think you want know."

I enjoyed seeing this new side of Ava; all embarrassed and panicked.

"Well it's certainly been a minute since I've slept with anyone. Maybe it wouldn't be such a bad thing."

"But that would ruin your work relationship, you know, the whole professional side of it."

I laughed, knowing I would never sleep with the guy as he wasn't necessarily my type. "So what would you suggest I do then?"

Her blush intensified. "Uhm, maybe you could turn his offer down?"

"Are you jealous?" I poked her stomach again.

"No, and stop doing that, it tickles."

I pulled my hands back and smiled. "I have an idea, why don't you come along. We can all come over to my house and I can prepare a nice meal."

"Won't that be awkward?"

"I'll be there, so you shouldn't have to worry about that."

She groaned and pulled out her phone. "Let me call Daniel to let him know."

"Okay," I said, grabbing my clothes and heading to the bathroom to change. Because of the thin walls, I happened to overhear Ava's end of the conversation.

"Hi baby, I just wanted to let you know that I'm going to be having dinner with some work friends tonight...Okay...I'm not sure...Yes...Of course...Hey! We can't talk about that sort of thing right now, I'm at work...Okay, bye, love you too."

I'd never heard Ava talk in such a way before. Her voice went up an octave and she sounded like a giggly school girl.

When I came out of the bathroom I imitated her high pitched voice, "Hey baby, I'm not gonna be home until late do you'll have to wait an extra few hours to get laid."

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