Chapter 4

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"So why did you drop out of school?"

I was just about ready to stab Daniel's parents with my steak knife, but I knew better than that; the blood would have ruined my dress.

"I didn't, I graduated last year. Now I'm taking a year off to save for graduate school."

Rebecca, Daniel's mom, was interrogating me to the point of insanity. She was always the bitchier one of his two parents.

Unfortunately, Daniel wasn't doing shit to help me out; he just sat and talked about sports with Doug, his father. I'd be sure to yell at him about it later.

"I hope you realize that a professor's salary isn't very high."

I internally rolled my eyes for the billionth time. "Yes, I know that. But it's my passion, and I'd like to choose a career that doesn't make me want to kill myself."

Her eyes widened a bit. "Are you saying that being a lawyer-"

My phone's ringtone cut her off. An unknown number was displayed on my screen. Obviously, I'd answer, even if it was a telemarketer, just to get a ten second break from Ms. Trunchbull.

"Sorry, I have to take this, it's work," I lied. I went to the bathroom for privacy and answered. "Ava De La Cruz."

"Woah, your last name is so cool!"

I rolled my eyes. It was Lux. "How did you get my number?"

"I flirted with the contacts guy on set."

"Of course you did," I said. "Anyway, what do you want?"

"I can't call you just to say hi?" she asked.


"Well, I was just wondering if you wanted to hang out or something."

"It's eight o'clock on a Saturday night. Shouldn't you be at some famous people party or something?"

"I probably should, but my friends are busy and I'm alone in a giant house with nothing to do but drink."

A sudden pang shot through my chest. "Send me your address, I'll be there in fifteen minutes. And just to be clear, I'm not doing this for you, I'm doing this because I don't want to talk to my boyfriend's parents." I hung up the phone and returned to the table to grab my purse.

"Where are you going?" Rebecca asked.

"I have a work emergency," I lied.

"Well can't you just tell them that you're busy?"

"No, I can't." I leaned down to kiss Daniel's cheek. "I'll see you at home in an hour or two," I said, and got up to leave.

I'd requested an Uber in the bathroom and was pleasantly surprised when it had arrived by the time I got outside. The driver was a middle-aged man with messy hair and an overgrown beard. An abrupt sense of discomfort settled in when I entered the car.

The man put the address into his phone and we were off. Lux lived in the Hollywood Hills, somewhere I often avoided. And although the place was horrendous in the hot California sun, it was rather pretty at night.

As we drove higher up the windy roads, the mansions got ridiculously larger. It wasn't until we reached the very top that the sketchy driver announced our arrival. I said my goodbyes to the man and made sure he drove off before approaching the ginormous gate. From there, I pressed the buzzer.

"Ava! You're actually here!"

"Duh, I literally told you I was coming."

"Good," she said, "let me buzz you in."

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