Chapter 15

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"Holy shit, now I wish this was our wedding," Lux said when I came out of her bathroom all made up and in the lavender dress we'd picked out the previous week. I smiled and pecked her lips—not wanting to mess up my very timely lipstick. Lux wore the bridesmaid's dress, a stunning, light blue, Alexander McQueen mermaid fit.

"You look beautiful," I said. She wrapped her hands around my waist and planted a few kisses on my neck. "Please don't get me horny. This dress requires a lot of effort to take off."

She pulled away and took my hand, leading me down the stairs like a prince in a white, heterosexual fairy tale.

"You might be the only non-famous person there."

I groaned and stopped in my tracks, causing her to do a one eighty. "Why don't we just stay here and cuddle all night? A pretentious party of self centered celebrities is my version of hell and you know that."

"It's my best friend's wedding."

"When you put it that way I actually feel special."

"You are."

"Shut up."

She took my other hand. "These are like our wedding vows."

"You're insanely high on wedding fever."

"Do you have any Tic Tacs in your purse?"

"Yes, I do."

Her grin widened. "Say that again."

I rolled my eyes. "I do."

She pulled me again toward the front door, and I said, again, more to myself than her, "I do."

We took her Bugatti. I was surprised she didn't hire a driver but then assumed she only did so to have more alone time with me. She even opened and closed the car door for me, which I found to be quite romantic. I felt like a teenager going to prom.

"Can I ask you to do me a huge favor?" she asked once we'd begun driving.

"Probably not."

"Try not to take away from Drew; it's her special day."

"What do you mean?"

"I'm sure Drew looks beautiful and all, but I know she's nothing compared to you. So even though it's unintentional, just try not to make everyone in the room fall in love with you."

I turned my head toward the window in attempt to hide my blush. Lux had the tendency to catch me off guard with her blunt flattery, a quality I desperately loved about her. I reached across the console to hold her hand while she drove the rest of the way.

When we arrived, it was the late evening, around sunset. The place was outside at an old winery, decorated flowers in the same blue as Lux's dress. Chairs were set up to face the alter on the grass with strings of lights lighting the way.

"I told her to rent out the Buckingham Palace but she wanted something small and simple."

"I think it's wonderful." I gave her hand a kiss.

When we got out I recognized a few faces. Everyone was dressed in designer brands that had probably been in the latest edition of Vogue. I felt a bit out of place in my ninety dollar Macy's dress.

We stood in the grass, surrounded by groups of people probably chatting about how many millions they had in their bank accounts when Lux said, "I have to go see Drew and get ready for the ceremony. Are you okay with me leaving you until afterward? I know it's really fucked up to abandon you in the flaming pits of hell but I promise I'll make it up to you later."

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 05, 2023 ⏰

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