Chapter 14

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"Ava," I bursted into the trailer, "I want you to be my plus one to Drew's wedding."

She looked up from her book. "I think you're forgetting that I have a boyfriend."

"And I think you are too."

As the last few days of filming approached, Ava and I had spent more time with each other than ever before. I was fairly certain that Daniel had to of been pissed off by that.

"Nobody has to know we're together, you know. It could be our little secret. And Drew's. And Mikayla's."

"You told them?" she asked.

"No, but they sort of just figured it out."

She set her book down and came over to me, wrapping her arms around the back of my neck; it shot shivers down my back. "Well, in that case, I'd love to be your plus one."


She brought her mouth close to mine and whispered, "Yes."

I held her waist and pulled her closer to me. Right before she kissed me I pulled away slightly. "Can you come over after work today?"

She sighed and released her arms from me, sitting in the chair that was meant for me. "I wish I could, but Daniel wants us to have a date night, and I've already blown him off for you twice this week. He might start to get suspicious."

I walked over and leant my arms on the chair, trapping her in front of me. "That's okay."

She looked up at me. "I'll give you a kiss to make up for it."

I smiled and leant down enough for her to meet my lips. Afterward, she stood up—still trapped between my arms—and said, "Move so I can do your stupid hair and makeup since you're too fucking lazy to do it yourself."

"Actually, I think it's because you're more qualified than-"

"Shut up."

"Make me shut up."

She rolled her eyes. "Baby, could you move, please?"

And because of my speechlessness, she lightly pushed me aside and got her things ready. When she began working on me I said, "You know, I could really get used to hearing you call me baby everyday."

"Well it's too bad that's not happening."

"Come on, not even once a day? It's just a word you know."

She perked an eyebrow. "If it's just a word then why do you get so flustered by it?"

"I-I don't know."

She chuckled and pecked my cheek. "You're adorable."

"I know."

"You just ruined it, I take that back." She resumed the task at hand: me.

I sighed. "What are we gonna do next week when we're done filming?"

"Continue to do what we always do."

"But we won't have a reason to keep hanging out, for Daniel."

"He thinks we're besties," she said, as if it were written out right in front of my face.

"Well, I probably won't be able to start working on a new movie for at least a couple of weeks which means I'll be alone a lot and I might get super depressed and kill myself."

"I'll have to come over more often then so that doesn't happen."

I smiled. "Aw, you care about me."

"No I don't, I just don't want you to blame your death on me."

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