Chapter 7

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"Hello?" I said groggily, answering the phone call that had woken me up at one in the morning.

"Rise and shine you fucking fake ass bitch."

I sat up straight in bed. "Ava?"

"Yeah, who the fuck else would it be?"

"What's got you all fired up?"

"Maybe you should check the biggest headline in the United States of fucking America."

Realization dawned on me. "You're mad about me not posting our selfie."

She groaned. "No, dumbass. It's your fucking caption."

"What's your favorite word?"


"It must be fuck." She didn't laugh at my joke. "What's wrong with my caption?"

She hung up on me.

I let out a laugh and prepared to go back to sleep when the phone rang again.

"I hate you," she said.

"I think it's quite the opposite, I mean considering how you're calling me so late, you must not have been able to stop thinking about me."

"I called you this late to interrupt your sleep and make you miserable tomorrow morning," she said.

"I don't see why you're so mad."

"Because you're out here posting about my favorite book saving your life when you couldn't even read the first sentence."

"It may have been a small white lie, but I thought you'd be happy about it."

"Well I'm not, and I hope you can't fall back asleep and spend the next six hours in pure restless agony."

"Wait," I said just before she hung up. "You might as well stay since we're already both awake."


"Why not?"

"Because I'm mad at you and don't want to waste precious time in which I could be sleeping."

I completely ignored her efforts to excuse herself and started a conversation that I knew she wouldn't be able to resist. "Beside Pride and Prejudice, what's your favorite book?"

"That's a hard choice but maybe Jane Eyre."

"You read sci-fi?" I asked.


"Isn't she like the sorceress of air or something?"

She let out a long, and rather harsh, sigh. "No."

"Oh. Well you should read it to me after we finish Pride and Prejudice."

"With your IQ, I don't think that's possible."

I ignored her negativity and continued my questionnaire. "So when did you start liking books?"

"I don't know, around the time that I was sixteen."

"Oh, that's a lot later than I thought. For some reason I always pictured you coming out of the womb with a mini Welcome-to-Life handbook."

"Your fantasies are weird."

"What got you into reading then?" I asked.

"I don't know, can we not talk about this?"

Her tone surprised me a bit and I got the sense that something was wrong. "But you love reading and you love talking about reading."

Fame and Misfortune (GirlxGirl)Where stories live. Discover now