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Writers Note- I didn't forget that this a fanfic.
TW: Ghost has a temper tantrum... SMUT, SMUT, SMUT.

I landed the helicopter within the confines of the military base, and things moved quickly from there. Soap took hold of one Valeria's arms while Alejandro took the other, Ghost, Graves and Rudy met us at the landing pad, and I could already tell that Ghost was angry. His arms were crossed over his chest, eyes were dark and savagely staring at me. My skin pricked into goosebumps.

"Now this, I was not expecting," Graves said as Valeria was shoved in front of him.

"Maldito bastardo (fucking bastard)" she said to him before spitting on the ground in front of him.

"That's good," he said with a smirk. "There is an interrogation unit ready when you guys are," he informed Ghost.

"I want an hour recess," he responded, but those eyes were glued to me. I was barefoot, my dress was covered in blood, my makeup was smeared with sweat. Some time to shower and change would be nice. "Everyone gets cleaned up, meet here at 22:00."

"We'll take her to the interrogation room," Soap said, shoving El Sin Nombre forward once more.

I sighed with relief and began to walk away, but I was stuck in place when I saw Ghost staring at me with such a seething glare that I thought he was going to pass out with how hard he was breathing. Those eyes were serving so much darkness and so much fury that for the first time I was actually scared of him, scared he wanted to hurt me. He said nothing though as the rest of the team walked away, and the silence was deafening between us.

Pulling the hem of the dress down in an attempt to cover myself from the rage that Ghost was staring at me with, but it did nothing to help how uncomfortable he was making me.

"Come with me," he ordered.

"Why?" I always had to put up a fight, didn't I?

"Do as you are fucking told!" He screamed, turning back to me; I had never heard him use that caliber of tone with me. Not even after I had told him I was AWOL. He was in his Berserker mindset that I had only seen during our exchange of darkness just before the Mexican army attacked. "NOW!"

My feet jumped forward without my brain telling them to, it was an unstandable response to the voice he was using. He led me into a building I had not been inside on base, it looked like a regular office building, but as we walked through the inside, I saw that it was also a training facility. All of the rooms were empty and dark though, except for a few offices where people silently worked on papers and typed away on computers. It had to be getting close to midnight, I was surprised anyone was still here.

He opened the door to an office on the first floor, holding it open and pointing to the chair in front of the desk. "I'm not going in there unless you calm down," I said, giving him a look of terror.

"Do not test me right now," he spat back, cocking his head to the right in an attempt to release tension. I could see the tendons and muscles in his neck straining, ticking with frenzied control that had grown from his anger. "Sit down."

I did as he ordered of me, entering the room but refusing to sit in the chair. I didn't want to be any further below him than he already was with his height. "Whose office is this?"

    "Mine," He answered before going around the desk and opening one of the drawers. He was not screaming at me now but his tone was that of a man on the brink of insanity. There was no fire in that invisible link between us now, in fact I shivered in the air conditioned room. He pulled out the enormous black hoodie that I had been given before and threw it at me. There was no affection in the exchange. He was doing what leadership was ordered to do when someone was covered in blood. I took the hoodie and flung it over my head and shoulders. It was comforting to have something to cover my skin as I stood before him with so much fear.

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