Burn Me Alive

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TW: Discussion of sexual assault, discussion of torture. Smut, consensual sex, unprotected sex, light choking.
Writers Note: I want to make it clear that Ghost and Jamie aren't turned on by evil, they are turned on by the destruction of wickedness. Ghost is an Antihero and Jamie has joined him in the bloodlust that comes with saving the world. The line where evil gets blurred is something I love to explore, and the power that comes with that is tantalizing to say the least. I love when there is something that feels so good but isn't morally right. Ghost is a character that pushes that limit and that's why I have loved writing him so much. Enjoy the sizzle.

We sat around a table in Alejandro's safehouse, quiet didn't begin to describe the silence that was between all of us. Laswell was the only one who was standing, the only one who had anything to say. But in the light of the computer that was sitting in front of Captain Price, I saw the closest thing I had ever seen to the devil walking earth... General Shepard.

"Why was I not informed about this?" Captain Price asked the screen. His tone was incredibly calm for the circumstances of his conversation.

"Consider yourself well informed now, Captain," the Generals snarky voice said, huffing like a toddler caught in the act of stealing cookies from the cookie jar.

"That's not fucking helpful, Shepard. You're a day late and missile short, there is three of them and we have only found two," John said, his face turning to steel.

"Then fix it, Price."

Suddenly Captain Price looked around the table, turning to me with a smirk, "and who fixes you, General?" I felt my lip lift as I watched Captain Price take on the General the same was, I took him on in the desert weeks ago.

The General scoffed on the other end of the line, "I don't need fixing, I am a patriot protecting my country."

Price slammed his hand down on the table and stood, leaning over the chair with a look that would have put medusa to shame. "You were protecting your own ass."

"No one holds me down with a roll of red tape, Captain. To do some good you have to do some bad, you know this," Shepard said. I felt the rage in my stomach blossom and turn red hot. I could see the other anger flourish from the men around me. Ghost black rage that consumed any limiting thoughts. Alejandro's red rage that was fiery and full of hatred. Soap's calm fury that was cool to the touch but would leave an icy burn on you. Price's rage was colorless, as was Laswell who stood silently behind Price, arms crossed over her chest.

"You've lost your damn mind, General," Price said, nearly laughing as the absurdity of the conversation.

"When we shit, we bury it!" General Shepards tone heightened, and I could feel the vibrations in the table from the speaker going up. Laswell took a step closer to the screen trying to see the look on Shepards face. Narrowing her eyes, she then looked to me and then to Captain Price again, nodding to me.

"Well, we don't bury each other with it do we," Price's eyes flicked to Ghost who was standing in the shadow of the room. He had been buried once before, figuratively and literally.

"You need to get your head right, Captain. There is an enemy to take down," Shepard stated like he wasn't the man who ordered the illegal slaughter and execution of a task force and an entire city. He was an enemy, whether he liked it or not.

Price didn't seem to like that, throwing the chair he had been sitting in before behind him. He was angry. "Call off your shadow." Giving a General any kind of orders was a surefire way to get chewed out, but Price was a bigger, younger, and far smarter man than the General. It showed.

"Graves?" He said it like a father that was proud of his son for bullying someone in school. He chuckled slightly and sighed, "he's a dog with a bone I suggest you not take it."

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