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Lain's Pov:

Today Soren was supposed to visit me. I could feel my heart flutter in anticipation every time I remembered. He promised to even bring me some savory pastries from the kingdom, I couldn't wait.

I've been tidying up my cottage and cleaning up my appearance, it was still early in the day so my mood was significantly better. When the sun was out it felt like my body and mind had reached perfection. I truly felt like perfection.

I tucked some small flowers into the two braids I made of my locks, they fell to reach just below my chin. I puckered my lips to apply the rosy lip tint I had bought the last time I visited the kingdom's market.

A firm knock on the door alerted me of Soren's arrival. Scurrying I stumbled my way towards the door and flung it open in excitement.

"Soren!" I exclaimed. He laughed before pulling me into a brief hug.

"I have your pastries, sweetheart." He told me after we broke apart. I smiled and looked up at him.

"Amazing, there's no point in coming in when we're going to be working outside. Do you mind carrying it with you as we go to the garden?" I asked, he shook his head and I took that as my cue to lead him. Something about this reminded me of the books about sirens and sailors. The men just foolishly following something beautiful.

"Soren, do you think you could survive a siren?" I spoke up as I felt his eyes scorching the back of my head.

"The ones that sing from those old tales?" He questioned me back.


"I suppose I could, I'd like to think I'd have more fortitude." He paused before mumbling to himself. "but it seems I've already fallen into ones trap."

I laughed at his words. "I'm no siren." I turned to look up at him. The sun brightened his pale face almost making him glow. His silky white hair messily framing his face. "I think if anything, you would be the siren."

He let out a small chuckle. "yeah?" he spoke in encouragement for me to go on.

"Something about your presence...its alluring in a way. You seem sweet like that, putting on a beautiful face and portraying innocence to shield your true nature."

"Lain." He breathed out and gazed down at me in a look that almost resembled awe. Snapping out of it he changed the topic to me. "Well, what about you then?"

"What about me?"

"You say I'm the one putting up a front, how are you sure you aren't either? you seem entirely too trusting of me after saying such a thing."

"I've been very truthful with my intentions. I'm no siren, but here you are following me foolishly. I guess I could say...maybe I'm elfish? no that's too extravagant. I'd say I'm like a lamb."

"A lamb?" He let out a loud raspy laugh causing my cheeks to warm. Way to fluster a girl. "I can kind of see it. you seem soft like one, if I was a wolf it make it hard for me to keep from sinking my canines in." He said to me with hooded eyes and a low sweet voice, one that almost had me questioning myself.

"I'm no ordinary lamb, more like a sacrificial one." I said with equal allure. I giggled fondly to myself. He paused before realization dawned on his features. I only batted my eyes up at him innocently.

"You know; don't you?" He leaned down to ask me. I only looked away and continued to lead him towards my flourishing garden. Whether I knew or not didn't concern him, I've already taken my place on the stone and the dagger has been sunk deep into me.


I hummed softly while Soren carried the sacks of grains and fertilizers for me. He had done most of the heavy lifting today and even when I offered to help he would insist on carrying out the task himself. I sat atop a stack of hay with a bowl to my lips. His skin was damp with sweat and his hands speckled with dirt and whatever of the land decided to latch on. The sun had began to set yet the suffocating feeling of dread had not invaded me yet.

"Are you not thirsty?" I inquired after he easily heaved another sack into his arms.

"Are you offering me a drink, Lain?"

"Of course, come here!" He finished organizing the bags and strolled over to me. His arms rested against the sides of my laps and his head hung lowly before I pushed the bowl to his lips. Once he was finished he stood upright and removed the hair from his face.

"This is about the time the light bugs begin to come out." He said and sat on the ground leaning against the hay I was still resting on.

"Yes! I'm surprised you know of their existence, only those who live this far out ever do."

"Kin-" He paused. "My father, when I was younger...he would bring me far from the kingdom so we could have some time alone together. Those are some of my most precious memories. We would run around for hours and I would mark all of the wonderous creatures I would see in my notebook."

"What did you see?" I asked him.

"Well, at first mostly just the usual like light bugs and fairy's. Occasionally I would see some water and tree spirits and they would chant things at me." He laughed before directing his gaze right at me. There was a moment of silence were the sound of the wind freeing itself said what our words could not. Soren began to speak again but this time it felt different.

"Then one day I felt such an intense burn in my chest. I could barely even speak yet let alone move; but all I knew was to follow my feet to wherever they were leading me to. I can't even remember how I ended up there but I found myself deep in the forest. I remember seeing a lamb staring gleefully into my eyes as it laid atop a podium. It almost looked at peace, with a smile on it's face. But I noticed a dagger coming from it's chest." He said wistfully. His eyes bore into mine and by the blurriness of my vision I knew tears had escaped me. He had to have known by now. I wonder if he ever felt me when I was writhing from feeling him too much.

"I remember the sound of chanting and a feeling that no words strung together unless by divine power could explain." He finished, and by now tears were also free falling from his own eyes.

"H-how did you...What- How did you return home?" My tongue fought itself to get the words out.

"I would also like to know, all I remember is my father coddling me as we made the adventure home. When I returned to my own quarters I inspected myself deeply in the mirror. I noticed a burn mark right on my chest and a symbol of some sort."

"We are connected in some way, Soren. I believe you already know this." I spoke firmly. Unconsciously my hand reached down to flutter through his hair. His eyes closed in delight and he leaned into my touch.

"I know." He spoke softly after some time. "...Will you ever tell me your side of it?"

"I'll tell you that and more." I promised him.

We sat in silence as the sun dribbled away and the light bugs roamed throughout the sky. We watched as the flowers in my garden glowed brightly, the brightest I had ever seen them glow since I had planted them.


Hey yawl! ive just started posting this so there really isnt a ya'll yet but hopefully one day. I had a lot of fun writing this chapter and I hope it was fun to read! I got my first vote yesterday so im so ecstatic :3

I knew this book would hold some fantasy but its a little more than I pictured in my head but I prefer it like this. Im ready to keep posting LLOL. if u feel as though u could vote or comment it would be really motivating.


see u in de next update.

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