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Lain's Pov:

My anger drenches me like an oceans wave. Fire, I have fire burning my insides. This is how I felt when King Ryland forced such a question. My consolation throughout this meeting was I'd never have to see the red headed wench again, but it seems I am bound for disappointment.

"No." Soren says with no thought. The tension in the room slowly lengthening.

"I beg of you, I'm sure the safest place for my child at this moment is in your kingdom. Anything you desire I shall grant you. I can't imagine losing her too, her mother...passed as you know." Ryland says. his eager words cut the flesh of my skin. he wears a woeful expression when speaking about his late wife. His body language clearly in distress. If only his actions were genuine.

Soren leans in and a taunting smirk rests on his lips. His large fingers cross and the stark red tattoos on his fingers catch my interest. They continue to discuss but my attention is focused solely on his hands. I lean in and untangle one of them, bringing it to my lap and inspect it. I notice the immediate silence that cuts through the thick air.

Peeking my face up I see the baffled looks of the attendants of this silly meeting. Soren is looking at me too, but with question. 'Why do you have my hand, Lain?' is what the look he's giving me says. As if I needed a reason to act upon impulse.

"Stop looking at me." I mutter, the intrusive stares on my face causing myself to almost turn insecure. Soren takes notice of my discomfort.

"If your eyes find her again, I wont hesitate to behead you." He says dropping the usually friendly and easy going exterior he has. One by one they all turn their gazes away from me, faces still in disbelief and slight terror.

Ryland's daughter who I am yet to learn the name of almost opens her mouth to speak but the palm of the woman next to her slaps against it, shushing her before she could even intake air. She struggles against the grip before huffing and sitting still. What a fool.

"I admire hearing that you put your trust in Kingdom Lux, I will surely accept this proposal if you grant me access to every horse stable from wherever it is you come from. Your daughter would also need to be sworn in, I assume that wont be a problem?" Soren's voice is pleasing to hear. He talk's as if he's walking you through life, like his guidance is final and he fully expects you to do as he says.

"I'll take that. I'll accept that indeed!" Ryland exclaims, joy deeply etched into his face. The wrinkles by his eyes lift with his pearly smile. He doesn't even know what he's agreed upon. This will surely cost him. Maybe picking his alliances better would have given him a better fate, or maybe he was just bound to stumble.

"Renea will write out the contract. Meet me here tomorrow. A carriage will be there to escort you and your additions," Soren says with a gleaming smile. I didn't miss that glint in his eye. The darkness that festered within them. "No time is better than now to swear your daughter in."

"YES! Yes! I agree, king." Comes her eager shouts. She practically falls out of her chair, hungry to be near a man that wont even touch her if she was the only antidote to his terminal illness. I inspect her face closely. Her thin straight lips and small roman nose. Her queasy green eyes with dilated pupils. She makes a move to dash towards him but the same woman from before yanks her back and whisper shouts words into her ear. I doubt any of it stuck.

"Baby," Soren says as he rises from his seat causing everyone else present to follow suit. Everyone but me, my legs are dead from the uncomfortably posh chairs. If I stood they would surely turn to jelly. He places his hand on my head and smooths down my locks. I noticed he constantly desired eye contact, and it seems to me he was uncomfortable if he went without touching me for longer than fifteen minutes. "If you're feeling tired just rest here, or I could call Anastasia to keep you company, yes?"

My body melts against him. I couldn't help it. He treats me so tenderly, like I was something rare and sentimental. Like he was just pleased to be near me. I had never met someone who was so attentive to my needs. I could feel my heart thrumming slowly and melodically, it beat against my chest and I dare say it sang out a romantic tune. My eyes gloss a little. Clearing my throat I answer.

"No need! I remember seeing a beautiful garden on our way here. Meet me there when your done?" I was eager to spend time with him and him alone. For some reason I was feeling especially needy. He had spoilt me, I fear. He grins at me and nods his head before leaning in and laying a soft kiss on my forehead. Him and the rest of the people finally leave the room after he informs me of the bodyguard waiting for me outside the door that would see fit that I didn't get lost. I fizzle and slouch into the chair. Reaching my hands up I press them on my forehead.

How delightful.


Soren's Pov:

The room was dim. Harsh red candle lighting bounced off the walls casting a red glow on each persons face. It highlighted the eyes of those among me.

"Sacrifices must be made. That is what kingdom Lux has always valued, the ability to die if it meant your brethren was able to live." Paisley, Rylands daughter, knelt before me. Her eye's watched my every move, instead of focusing on the tense anguish broiling in the air. Her pin straight hair disheveled and damp against her forehead. I was wiping the blade in my hand with a cloth, makin sure it was clean and clear.

Her father was gagged and chained in the farthest corner of the room. He screams and lunges to free himself.

"Ryland, look how eager she is." The distaste was clear in my voice. her demeaner repulses me. She was dumb in the head and dolly eyed at critically moments. She stares at me like I didn't have her father chained up. I crouch down till we were at eye level.

"Set your hand against this stone. If you want the pain to stop, all you have to do is drink from this." I speak slowly so it could possibly get through her thick skull. I direct her head to the bluish liquid in the clear glass. Her father begins thrashing again.

"Shut him up, I beg of you." I said to the stoic guard next to him. The man quickly tightened the gag before standing to position. My closest friend and fae, Donny, leaned against the heavy and dusty desk. He played the flute that was in his clutches and watched with no clear emotion on his face, per usual.

Finally Paisley takes notice that the situation at hand was much different than any ordinary exchange. "Repeat after me." I tsk when she nods.

"I would die for my brethren, and sacrifice like the docile one. Because of my brethren I breathe, because of my brethren I'll cease." I repeated multiple times until I was sure she understood. She mumbled and tried leaning in closer to me, eager to take the words from my mouth to hers. I lean back and recoil.

"Space." I demand. She get's the message.

"I would die for my brethren, and sacrifice like the docile one. Because of my brethren I breathe, because of my brethren I'll cease." She said with labored breath. Her eyes searched my face for approval. And I did approve, because she could at least repeat words correctly.

I smiled at her truly for the first time. I lock my hand over her wrist to keep her hand that laid against the graying rock in place. Before the excitement could settle in for her, I sink my dagger deep into the palm of her hand. Her scream pierces through the room, ricocheting off the walls and back into her mouth just to be released again. The mangled breaths of Ryland accompanying it.

I just continue to smile.


Author's note:

Yall! I wanted to get this chapter out much sooner, my apologies.


its here now tho! this is finals week for me and then summer! woohoo! I'll be able to update at least twice a week or so! (If my laziness allows it.) I enjoyed writing this chapter a LOTT. I am teary eyed now tho because of my lack of sleep so if theres any mistakes...baby, you didnt see that. THANK YOU FOR ALMOST 400 READS („ಡωಡ„) geez! im happy.

Paisley is such a nuisance. tuh.

please make sure to vote and comment!! <3

☆⌒(≧▽​° )

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