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Lain's Pov:

"Oh my. This tethering anticipation is dreadful." I whine. "And dare I ask, are you trying to end my life right here?"

"What would make you think that? besides, I'd never lay an unwanted hand on you." He speaks firmly towards the end of his sentence and emphasis the never.

"Maybe possibly the fact that you have this cloth blocking my eyes and with every snap and crunch of a twig so far I've deduced we're in a forest."

"You're keen, baby." He praises me. " We've got only a few steps ahead."

His confirmation of us nearing the date that had been teasing my curiosity for many, many moments excites me. I propel myself forward but before I make it far a vine snags my leg and almost brings me to my knees. Soren holds me around the waist and lifts me up with one arm. one delectable arm.


"Be careful, Lain." I still can't see him but when he sets me back on my feet he holds my chin to convey the seriousness in his words.

"Let's move faster, even if I don't run can--" My words are cut off by him.

"You're unfamiliar to this environment, I can't have you getting hurt. You will continue to walk at this pace, do you understand me? or do I have to hold you like a child?" He presses strongly and almost like it's his only job in life to protect me.

"Yes, I understand." I giggle when I feel him pat me against the back.


As we continue our walk I soak in the sounds of nature. The birds sing delightfully and the insects buzz which makes my skin crawl. The more we step the cooler the air around me feels, the scent of faraway sweet water calms me. Soren stops me from walking.

"I'm going to have to carry you from here, Love. This plane is steep and after your almost fall I don't believe I can trust you."

Scoffing at him I make my lips frown. Since he can't exactly see my furrowed brows through this cloth I exaggerate it.

"Are you saying I'm incapable? I can assure you I can take you in a fight any day with just my legs. My legs are very adequate." I diss him.

"I do believe you can take me in a fight, your strength is truly beyond my comprehension. Because of that I'd like to take some of your burden by carrying you, It must be tough to be so formidable." The sarcasm dripping from his pink lips almost makes me kick his shin.

"Go on then, peasant." I barely make the joke because of how I giggle in-between each word of the sentence. I limp my rest and beckon him towards me.

"That's treasonous, my Love." He jests. I cackle unabashedly.

"How I adore your laugh." He leans down to kiss me against my forehead and I feel the smile on his lips. Wasting no time he pick me up from beneath my bum and I squeal before holding tightly onto his shoulders, my long nails almost drawing blood. I adjust myself so I'm being carried like a baby koala. My legs fasten themselves around his midsection.

"Sorry...I have a terribly fearful disposition with heights." I apologize profusely. He only hums and reassures me.

"Comfortable, her majesty?" He probes. I'd never felt more secure in another persons arms. I could feel his eyes scrutinizing what he could see of my face. "So pretty." he murmurs mostly to himself.

"Shut up." I fluster. "Yes."

He laughs and ducks his head down. I feel his body quiver. His grip tightens and he moves us past the rocky terrain. I take this opportunity to snuggle into his body. Something about this man just makes me so sleepy.

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