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Soren's Pov:

Laughter fought it's way through the expansive hall as I neared my room door. I assume Lain had met Anastasia, I did send the maid there so she'd not be lonely. I knew how somber lonesomeness felt sometimes. When I neared the door I heard their chattering, but what peaked my interest is the talk of me.

"Oh be quiet, there's no need to lie, I know you find the King attractive. We all do, muffin." Anastasia's high and teasing voice spoke. I heard some tussling before a yelp sounded, then Lain's triumphant cheering and a loser's groans. Once they quieted I heard the conversation begin again.

"I do...but what if his attractiveness blinds me? it gets hard staring at a pretty face you know." Lain dramatically responded. I could imagine the way her eyebrows would pinch together and the dark blush that would cradle her face as well as the genuine look of confliction. So adorable.

I took that as my cue and opened the door causing both heads to zero in on me. Anastasia was sat on the floor with Lain on the bed braiding her companions hair. When the two ladies take notice of me Anastasia jumps upwards to bow at me and Lain smiles with excitement.

"The meeting is starting in a few minutes, doll. Care to join me?" I ask trying to hide the eagerness in my voice. In reality I was brimming with hope, these meetings really did drag and I wouldn't be surprised if she said no. I would rather she be there so I could at least look at her face to console me. She nods to me and pulls Anastasia in for a quick hug basically crushing her short frame. I hold out my hand that is clad with two golden rings and watch her move with fast steps to put hers in mine.

"Anastasia." I call, eyes still on the lamb in front of me.

"Yes, your highness?"

"You're relieved from your duties for the rest of the day." I nod at her. She thanks me numerously and rushes out the room, forgetting her shoes. I begin to walk me and Lain down the hall after we laugh.

"Sounds like you've had fun today, hm?" I lean down to ask. Her face is smooth and rich in warmth, it was like honey had been drizzled to coat her. Her eyes wide and puffy.

"You smell like something pretty." She squeaked completely ignoring my question. I laugh joyously, I would never not get gleeful from being in her presence. It was as if I was hooked on her every word, hell, each time she turned to face me I almost bent at the knees. How fascinating my mortal heart is. Her compliments have made me dizzy with affection.

"Thank you. What's got you so shy all of a sudden?" Her free hand was toying with her dress and her skin seemed to be burning up.

She looks up to face me, then away, then up to face me again. She did this three times, each time that look of astonishment and clarity shone bright. Ah, what a sight to see.

"It's just...Anastasia was talking about how everyone thinks you're quite handsome. It got me thinking because I also think you're very beautiful. And that's not even all of it, I'm the only one I see you holding hands with!" She leans in and explains to me. My cheeks hurt from the foolish smile on my face and it was my turn to be flushed. I feel my feel my heart thump animatedly against my chest.

"Lain, you can't say things like that." I stop and cup her face. It was warm and soft and I wanted to lean in. Lord knows I needed to lean in.

"Why not?" She questioned me.

"Because I'll kiss you if you continue."


"We may begin." My advisor says for me. I'm sat at the head of the table, my guest to my left and my people to my right. Lain sat in the seat next to me with a poetry book in her hands. I had brought it along with me in case she got bored and I couldn't entertain her.

A small kingdom named Frigus had proposed a meeting with me. I tried to keep my conflict to a minimum when it concerned their land seeing as trade between the two of us had been going well, many of their people even worked for merchants of Lux.

"Thank you for meeting with us, Soren."

"Likewise, Ryland." I say with a smile. king Ryland was a pale man. His face was long and aged with thick bushy eyebrows that drowned his eyes. Deep lines of worry imprinted in his forehead. He was quiet and meek but when it came to his kingdom he broke his barriers. I kept my face looking light and on first impression easy to read. I liked those around me thinking that I had already reached my full capacity. The shock on their faces when I devoured their kingdom whole was a beautiful meal, one I'd never get tired of enjoying.

He opens his mouth to speak but a prim voice cut him off.

"Who is sitting besides you? your majesty." A woman with red short hair and fox like eyes spoke with an entitled voice. Lain only glanced up from her book to make eye contact with the lady but her head still faced downwards. Everyone turned to look at them both; including the few helpers stationed at the doorways.

Lain yawns and lazily covers her mouth with her hand. I fought to hide my smile when she dips her thumb in the glass of water sitting in front of her. She swipes to the next page of her book and nestled comfortably in her seat and then began averting her attention from the situation.

The people present look at the red haired woman as if she was audacious for asking the question, yet none of them dared to correct her for her pitiful mistake as they too were also frothing with curiosity.

"That does not concern you. However, if you must address her do it properly or you will be escorted outside." I speak dimly not even bothering to fake a smile. From how things were going my mood would become rotten soon.

"Sorry, when a woman is enamored she tends to be assertive." The lady voiced with a sultry tone. The disgust reeled through my body. She takes the glass of wine into her hand before slowly drinking from it.

"Control those you bring to my territory, Ryland. I don't want to make a fool of you here but this is vile to experience." I say lowly with an edge to my voice. He sobers up and glowers at the woman who is now shamelessly looking down with hatred in her eyes. Lain lets out a chuckle and continues her reading after taking a long sip from her wine.

"Pardon this, I don't know what has become of her. I am here to speak to you about two things. First, I've been made aware of Dion building up his army. I also know that he's been working with the Fae north to your territory."

"I see." I pause and morph my face into mock concern. "Is that all?"

For a brief moment his face looks pleased before he tries to cover it. "I was wondering if you would like to partner with us in case of an attack. We already know how gruesome Dion can be, let alone the Fae." He snaps his frail fingers and a young man gets up and places a pristine piece of paper in front of me. A contract. I skim through it and notice what it entails. I also take notice of how there is no scent of roasted wood on it. How pathetic. Still in control of my face I smile at him.

"I'll get back to you on this." I respond vaguely. I could tell that wasn't the exact reaction he was looking for but he still leant on to it. Pondering his next words he talks again.

"I would also like for my daughter stay here during her schooling, even being a maid in exchange." The red head perks up like a feeble dog. Lain's eyes narrow at Ryland and his kin and my brows raise in shock.


Authors Note

Hi! This chapter took a lot out of me for some reason. THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR 300 READS I LOVEEEE YOUUU!!!11! IM SO SHOCKED AND HAPPY AND UGHHHHHHHH. this chapter is around 200 more words wink.

as always please make sure to vote and comment, its always appreciated.
btw if u get a notification twice for this it's because i edited it ><


lil personal rant: I like this boyyy but hes so oblivious but hes so cute like ugh!!! weve become friends but it's almost summer and I'm going through withdrawels already, I NEEDA SEE HIM BRUH. I told him to let me know when hes rfree this summer but hes so slow he prolly wont. bout to make me frown :(

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