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Lain's Pov:

I stop talking and bring the liquor to my mouth. It burns my throat as it rushes down. I splutter when I move it from my mouth. Soren gently takes the bottle from me, he faces forward but his eyes look at me. I watch as he steadily takes a large swig too.

"I needed that." I dramatically say. I decided instead of being sad about my story I would face it head on. My fingers trembled and my body was vibrating waiting for his response but even if it wasn't the one I wanted I would take it with stride.

"I'll take care of you." His heavy words collapse on my shoulder. I process each letter slowly to make sure I didn't hallucinate hearing them.

"what...?" It comes out breathy and weak.

"I'll take care of you, Baby. Your parents--" he breaks in his sentence, a biting anger fronts on his face. "I'm sorry I left you alone for so long. You'll let me take care of you, hm?" He tenderly pulls me into his lap. His large hands are on my waist and I hover over his lap. I was expecting him to be astonished and eager to be far from my presence. I was expecting for him to need space away from me and time to think about what he wanted to do. I was expecting the main focus to be the fact that I've not always been human like him and the fact our fate is tied by some prophecy. I was not expecting him to be so sure about me.

I swallow. "Yeah."

"My girls been on her own for far too long." He smiles up at me and I'm immediately at his mercy. "I won't allow that to happen again."

"Do you want to talk more about it? or do you have any questions?" I ask because its clawing at me. I wanted to clear the heavy atmosphere before I fully allowed myself to indulge in his protection.

"Do you want to talk about it more right now?" He questions me back, I watch as his thick brows ruffle. I lean my head down and avert my eyes. I shake my head no and he hums. "Then we'll save it for another day." His grip on my lower waist tightens and I look back at him. His face was clear of any blemishes and his skin had a clean sheen to it.

Suddenly thirsty, I move from our position till we're sat side by side again. I grab hold of the bottle and drink some more. The world pulses around me. I and Soren take turns with the bottle till we reach the last drop. I gulp it hastily.

"Give me some more, Lain." He slurs out. My head felt woozy.

"I drank it all." I laugh loudly at the babyish sad expression on his face. he turns his head down and I look up. Our noses are so close they could brush against each other.

"I can get it in another way." He mumbles and looks to my dark eyes and my moisturized lips.

"You can?"

"mhm." Then he's leaning in and capturing my lips in a kiss. I sit up and softly kiss him back. It's slow and sweet. He kisses me as if he's trying to drink me in. We match each others pacing and energy. I experience what its like to be in utter pleasure for the first time. A small breathy whimper escapes from him. I smile against his lips.

We break apart from each other when I need to breathe. I touch my fingertips to my lips for a brief second. Soren's looking at me with a unfiltered want.

"Take your shirt off, I want to see the scar." I say out of nowhere. He looks shocked as first but does as I say. When the cloth is discarded I take it from his arms and wear over my head. I love my dress but I was becoming colder and colder as time ticked by.

"Smells wonderful. I regularly want to smell you, you know that?" I ramble drunkenly. He looks at me with adoration. I push him down till he's laying on his back and I straddle his waist. My legs are on either side of his large physique. "You're so big!" I exclaim excitedly but it somehow comes out hushed.

Even in his own drunken state he attentively looks over me as if he's taking care of me. He did say he would. I watch as he makes sure my dress is covering me properly. A reddish flush hazes over his cheeks and towards his ears. I lean down to place a kiss on his cheek. Before I can stop myself I softly bite into the flesh of his ear. He lets out a jagged noise before placing a hand around my throat and gently pulling me up.

"Be careful." His words come out like he's on the verge of losing control. I flash a full teeth smile.

"Sorry, reminded me of a cherry." He chuckles.

I finally turn my eyes to what I was looking for, his torso. I analyze his abs first. His shoulders are broad and a few tattoos cover him. I trail my fingers along the inking. A sun with rays leading out towards his pecs catches my eye. I place my palm against it. Right above his heart there's a scar that resembles a stab wound. It looks faded but its still noticeable to the eye.

"I'm sorry." He apologizes warmly. I tear up a little. My inner self breaking at those two words. There were days where I would daydream about my mother and father saying them to me and beginning to treat me like their child. I didn't want them to treat me like I was too little or too much, I just wanted to be treated like I was their child. It phases me that the one person who shouldn't be apologizing to me is the only one that can see my pain clearly enough to lend me these words.

"There's nothing for you to apologize for, Soren." I Say sincerely. "I'll take care of you." I declare.

"Oh yeah?" He raises a brow. "What makes you think I need to be taken care of?"

"You deserve it. I want to be there for you like you're there for me, watch how good I protect you, okay Soren?" I lean down again and whisper the last part into his ear. I feel his whole body shiver under me.

"Okay, little baby." He smiles again. We idle for some time just looking into each others eyes. I bask myself in his body and take the time to appreciate how beautiful someone could really be. My body heats up just from looking at him, fully comprehending his existence. He takes his own time continuing to look into me. The look of satisfaction on his face makes me feel like he had been searching for me for a long time and he finally found me. He sits back up so we're basically hugging . One of his arms rests behind my back and rubs small circles into my lower back and I feel him move to grab a small piece of cake with the other.

He brings the cake to my lips and I indulge in it.


Authors note:

HY YALL! long time no see, its been over a week since i updated...shuddering. THANK YOU GUYS FOR 5K READS WHATTTT???????????????????? AUGHHH. σ(≧ε≦σ) ♡

I wanted to write a sweet chapter between my babies and ngl i really like dis one, maybe ive been staring at ym screen for too long. >< also sorry for the switching from present tense to past tense and allathat im still fugiring it out ughh.

SOREN SHIVERRING UNDER LANE IS SO CUTE TO ME LIKEEE. I should be quicker with updates cuz ive just throgouh;ly planned the next few chapters so hopefully that goes well.

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we'll see.
THANK YOU TO THOSE WHO VOTE AND COMMENT I HEART YOU!!! <3 comments r very much appreciated it really helps knowing what my readers are thinking.

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