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Lain's Pov:

"I'm coming in!" Anastasia hollers from the other side.

The sun has risen and I feel complete, another day awaits me. I'm laying on the fluffiest bed (sadly, without Soren) and snuggled into the plush blankets. I hear some commotion before she finally swings the door open whilst dropping two containers full of product. We both look at the fancy glasses and ointments scatter around the room.

"Goodness! And I spent ages putting those together!" Anastasia complains while pouting. She lifts her thumb to her mouth and bites down in annoyance. I lazily get out of the bed to help her, the cracking of my limbs trying their best to embarrass me. We silently gather it all together and once we're done she sits me at the vanity.

The room I'm in is very similar to Soren's, he would have allowed me to stay in his but he went on a nightly patrol meeting and I didn't want to be in such a vast place all alone. Especially at night. The vanity was insanely detailed, paintings and carvings of flowers and bunnies covered all the surface area. The mirror was clean and rimmed with a reflective material. I stare myself down. I had only woken a few moments before so my large lips were even puffier. My eyes were slightly cloudy and dried drool stained the side of my mouth.

"Wow, I look atrocious." I say while pushing my head closer to the mirror. Anastasia laughs loudly behind me. I smile fondly while I eye her through the mirror. Her tan skin and light hazel eyes, the little mole above her lip and the gap between her teeth. She had her curly brown hair in a tight pigtail, a few loose tendrils out to frame her face. The huge windows behind her cast a white backlighting on her frame making her look angelic.

"Help me..." I drawl out like a child. "Not everyone wakes up looking as pretty as you." I spin around on my seat to face her. She's looking down at me with a fake condescending look.

"Compliment me again and I'll make you look brand new." She points her nose up and strikes a pose of high authority. I giggle at her antics and decide to humor her.

"Oh please, my dear Anastasia. The most beautiful maiden on this round earth, help this toad of a friend look even half as good as you!" I beg and clasp my hands together, My tone resembling the actresses in the plays at the theatre. she pretends to think for a solid few minutes before engulfing me in a hug.

"Of course! what type of monster would I be if I turned you down," She rocks us side to side a little before letting go and pushing herself backwards, now her hands are resting on my shoulders. "Let's get you bathed first."

We head towards the connected bathroom and she helps me undress. The bathtub is already steaming hot. I sink myself into the pink water of flower petals and fragrant scents. Anastasia stands above me and massages my shoulders with nimble fingers. I shiver slightly at the cool air that touches my naked upper body.

"I heard that you and the king had a moment in Petalo Garden?" She questions excitedly, her voice thick with curiosity. I think back on the kiss me and Soren shared yesterday night. The same kiss that had me tossing and turning when I was supposed to be dreaming. I hadn't gotten a wink of sleep because each time I closed my eyes I startled myself with the memory. I clear my throat and shift a little.

"We...did." I confirm, the words come out in disbelief.

"Oh my god!" She presses into my shoulders harder. "And I thought those silly maids were gossiping again. How was it!?"

"It was exquisite, Anastasia. Truly. I still feel like I'm floating on a cloud. We even..." I paused and moved away from her hands. I grab the sponge and begin to scrub myself clean. I feel her hit me gently.

"How could you pause right there! that's pure evil." I hear her glowering while I scrub my face with the second sponge I was provided. I giggle making sure to keep my mouth closed. I signal for her to help me hold my hair back and she gently puts my locks together between her hands. I then submerge only my face into the water before using my palms to clear away any soap. I wash and rinse off the rest of my body and exit out the bathtub.

Anastasia hands me a towel and I begin drying off. I could feel her desire to know what I was going to say.

"We kissed!" I scream excitedly before she can pester me to finish my sentence. We only stare at each other for a little before our spirits break free and we excitedly squeal and jump up and down.

"And guess what." I still in place. She also immediately pauses.

"He's taking me dress shopping today...For our date!" I scream out again. She squeals and we begin to shake in excitement. Once our celebration died down we grinned all the way to the closet. She efficiently put me into a pink flowy dress that conceals the bottom half of my body but tightens in right below my breast's.

I'm now looking up through my lashes at Anastasia as she coats my lips with a blood red pigment. We had been preparing for Soren's arrival, I knew he would be here in a few because of what he told me the day before. Anastasia had been in work mode ever since I broke the news to her. Her focus entirely on making me gorgeous.

"If it's dress shopping with the King you're talking about then I know its going to be at the upper end stores. I have to make you look perfect because I know all those snobs will be watching." She says matter of factly. I only listen to her words. She sprays something on my face and then tells me to admire myself in the vanity mirror.

I look at myself and gape in awe. My lips were shiny and my face looked dewy. The pigments she blended into my skin almost made me look enchanting.

"Thank you. I don't even know how to show you the overflowing gratitude I have right now." I say but my mind is still trying to catch up. The warmness in my heart almost bringing me to tears.

"That's what friends are for, my dear!" she pats me on the shoulder. I get up and embrace her in a hug. "This is only for the dress shopping, just call me when its time to prepare for the date, I want to do your makeup and I need you to fill me in on how this went, okay?" Anastasia says. I nod my head.


Authors note:

This is a bit of a filler chapter buttt I couldnt help myself. I thought it would be cute for Anastasia to help our good sis out! THANK YALL SO MUCH FOR 790 FREAKING READS AAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHH! I CANT!

This is gonna be a double update!

IM SO ECSTASTIC! we're still under the blackgirl tag too like...woah.

( ' ▽ ' ).。o♡

I finally updated the before chapter so if you read this book before I did that go back and check out the character aesthetics!

make sure 2 vote and comment <3

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