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Soren's Pov:

Her unharmed palm shakes the whole time she brings it up to her pale lips. the fright in her eyes, the tears falling, the gaping. She looks as though she feels betrayed. her body twitches and king Ryland bites against his gag.

"Drink. Drink if you want the pain to end." I tell her softy. My hand still clutched the dagger in her palm. She holds out however, as if trying to prove something. It seems she believes if she doesn't then I'd look at her as someone stronger, more resilient. She cries out instead. Donny sighs besides me.

He begins to play his flute, hoping to lull her to peace. I click my tongue and straighten up, annoyance steady in my body. I push the bottle to her lips. She closes her eyes and begins to sob. I sigh loudly. This was my least favorite part, Guest's trying to prolong my kindness. I wasn't here to comfort her.

"Drink, my god. This is so terribly annoying." I snap at her. My brows are set in a scuffed line and I roll my tongue over my teeth. I miss Lain and I'm tired of the filthy scent in this dungeon.

Paisley hurriedly gulps it down, after she's done she falls deep into sleep instantly. I pull out the blade and toss it to Rylands feet. He freezes, eyes on the bloody dagger. He doesn't spare me a glance but instead focuses all his energy into keeping his eyes on the weapon. A look of contemplation keeps his face.

The potion is an integral part of forming alliances for Kingdom Lux. It binds the person to me, making it so they're unable to lie when I ask them a question. It also makes them feel an almost maddening loyalty towards those of Lux. During times of turmoil it makes them the most eager to defend. Maybe pushing this upon Paisley was overkill, but precaution is always needed.

"Donny, explain to them the importance of this in a way that satiates them. Once you're done with that lead them to the infirmary and ask Chester to send in someone to clean this up." I say quickly after rising to my full height. He only yawns and mumbles out a yes. Without sparing the rest of them a glance I rush towards the garden.


Lain is sitting at the pure white gazebo. The sun setting cast's a warm glow on her dark skin. her face is at peace, eyes closed and smiling. her body slackens and sways left and right. I want to know what she is listening to. There was no music playing, just the chirping of birds and the sounds of clatter from the castle, yet she still moves like a sweet tune serenades her. It is bewitching to watch her.

I walk towards her with a tray of food. It's getting late and I was sure she hadn't eaten all day. I set it down on the table and sit besides her. She smiles at me, with teeth.  I smile back.

"How did it go?" She asks.

"It was alright, a bit of a drag though." I respond.

"So...the redhead is going to be living here?"

I hum for a little before answering. "I'm thinking she'll work as a maid. I understand where Ryland is coming from. She'll get paid for her hours. In two weeks time I'll have the head maid train her."

Lain nods. She scoots closer to me so now we were thigh to thigh and then leans her head against me.


"A little." her voice comes out meek.

I scoop some seasoned greens onto the fork and bring it to Lain's lips. I notice the way the top one is darker than the bottom. I notice the way her eyelashes are short but curl, I notice the light freckles on her face. I notice the faint scar on her forehead and the little wrinkles around her eyelids. She parts her lips and I move the fork in watching her mouth close against the golden metal.

I load up the fork again but wait for her to finish chewing.

"One of these days could I see the palace kitchen?" She moves her hand up to block her mouth.

"Surely. When you're free remind me to take you there. We could cook together too if you'd like." She nods her head in excitement.

Time goes by and we chatter for a little, speaking about the different experiences we've each had. I feed her the whole plate of food and she becomes drowsy. She tells me about her fear of arachnids and disgust she feels when it comes to certain textures. She indulges me in the different clothing she's created all while inching closer and closer until she's basically straddling me. Her legs on either side of my thighs and her head on my chest.

"I've never felt so comfortable around a human before, Soren. When I'm with you I feel such an overwhelming urge to sleep or to close my eyes and dream. Even then, I want to dream about you." Her words cause my heart to quicken in pace. She says them with no shame, as if they weren't the most reassuring words someone has ever said to me, sincerely. They almost make me kneel at her feet. At this current moment in time, she could ask me to remove my heart and serve it to her and I would. 

"I'm still only a man, are you trying to kill me?" My voice is rough with a feeling I'm unaware of. She laughs into my chest. I know she can hear my heartbeat competing with time.

"I would like to take you out tomorrow. Do you agree to that, Sweetheart?"

"Mhm, I don't have a dress for such an occasion though."

"I'll take you shopping early morning then." I say with ease. I wanted her to feel her most comfortable.

"The shops near the palace are quite expensive. I also don't believe I'll be able to handle a trip back to my cottage and then return again for our date." She says completely forgetting that I am, in fact, the King. she's looking up at me so I watch the way her brows scrunch in real confusion. I only stare blankly at her till she gets the message.

"oh!" she giggles and shakes her head slowly. "forget what I said."

We sit in a peaceful silence. rain begins to lightly pour. The sun has fully set and now the moon shines vividly. I watch the droplets slide against green leaves and feed into the soil. The lights from the castle also add to the atmosphere.

"Remember when you said you'd kiss me." She breaks the silence. she states it more than asks.

"I would still like to, Baby." The rain pours heavier. My need grow's smotheringly heavier. I wonder if my expression is able to clearly show the deepness of my desire. Ever since meeting Lain all I have ever felt was desire. A burning, spreading, and yearning for everything she has to offer me and even more. I want to take it slow with her. I want to experience all of my breaths with her until I reached the last one. I didn't want to waste any of my time, and I considered it a waste if she wasn't right there in my presence. It was like my reality had warped.
"Go ahead then." Her entire expression dragged me deeper into my growing obsession. I lean in and she lifts herself upwards, fingertips around my face with the gentlest of holds. My palms went to steady her waist. She lowers her face till her lips were on mine, and slowly, very slowly I watch and experience every sense of rational dissolve out of my being.


Authors note:

YAAAAAAAAAALL! we're are at 500 reads and number 12 on the blackgirl tag as im writing this. Im so happy I could KISS yall like.

♡ ( ̄З ̄)

THANK YOU SO MUCH. I never thought this book would get more than like 12 reads and I contemplated not even posting it. Im so glad i ended up!
let me know what you think about this chapter, personally Idk. I think I liek it! I try and limit myself to at least 1.2k words a chapter (I break this rule and make em longer sometimes tho) BUT IDK IDK. anyways.
Prepare for a lot of fluff in the next chapters, i think ive dropped enough lore.

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