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Lain's Pov:

"I cant get over you, Lain. You look so breathtaking." Soren compliments me. He sits with his legs spread apart and he continues to look over my features in a way that had my stomach turning. His eyes repeatedly going from my lips to my eyes.

I know I look phenomenal all due to Anastasia's hard work. We were only going to get the dress for the date but with the way he's been enraptured by me it felt like it had already begun. He was dressed in a black top that had lacing at the front which exposed his upper chest. The sleeves puffed out especially towards the end. He paired it with some black slacks and black leather shoes. I was paying attention. Even with our distance I could smell the cleanliness that always accompanied him.

His white hair was tied back neatly and my focus kept going to the glinting metal that pierced his eyebrow. We were sat face to face in the carriage making it easy for me to eye him to my hearts content. His fluffy dark brown brows that I loved to see furrow when he was deep in thought (like now), his full pink lips, and his smooth face that blushed so easily. His attractiveness brought out a feral part of me. Even with his delicate looks his bone structure was sharp and angular.

I took notice of the desaturated pinkness around his eyelids that brought a youthful look to his pretty face. My favorite feature of his would forever be his hooded green eyes. They were so open and honest, I wanted to see him writhe beneath me just so I could watch the way they rolled back.

"Thank you. You look..." I say and fake gag towards the end. I was feeling especially playful today. He chuckles briefly before raising a brow at me.

"Do my looks perturb you?" He rasps.

"Mangled things bring that sort of reaction out of me." I hmphed and looked to the side. He belly laughs and I can't help but smile. A giggle slips out but I clear my throat in hopes to hide it. Can't blow my cover. 

"You'll have to get used to this mangled face, baby."

"And why is that?"

He only smiles at me. His pink lips spreading so I could get a good view at his decorated white teeth. Shiny gems on the ones that resembled fangs.


"Tell me if this place isn't to your liking, I'll find another." He leans down to whisper in my ear. I shiver but nod my head.

The store we are currently in has a simple but enticing arrangement of clothing. It felt homey with its wooden interior and warm colored decoration. The chandelier was fit with rows of candles that cast an orange like glow.  It seems people had already been notified of the kings arrival because many were being held back from entering by Soren's guards. It was a hassle just trying to enter and some shouted questions directed towards me that I zoned out for. People dressed in affluent clothing scanned every piece of my body.  Soren comforted me by letting me know we would be the only ones in any store I decided to enter.

"You can look around first, It seems he's late." Soren speaks while looking around.

"what do you mean he's late?"

"You'll see."

"Also, you're not only limited to one dress." He informs me. I raised my brows in shock before lowering them. I would take full advantage of this on any other day but I was already feeling like a freeloader by staying in the castle when I had a perfectly functional home.

A hum of music was sounding through the shop, I can't pinpoint were it is from but it was very much appreciated. I like that the environment wasn't too stuffy. The clothing was good quality but it wouldn't hinder my ability to run around in the fields or scamper up trees from what I could see up on the racks.

"Ah! My, my. I apologize for my tardiness." A man suddenly comes bursting out from a door towards the back. "Soren! It's been way too long since you've come by!" His boisterous voice scares me causing me to jump. Soren places his hand on the small of my back.

"And you've even brought company. you know, when you said you were in search of a dress I thought you meant for your own self." The new character drawls. He reaches in front of us and I can already feel the comment that comes next.

"Is she quite alright? She looks to be scared." He gasp's dramatically and puts his weight into one hip.

"She is. She just constantly looks that way, my friend." Soren says while looking at me. I feel flustered by the attention of two fine looking men. The man giggles and walks up to me.

"My name is Neo, Soren's friend and regular stylist." He sticks his hand out. I shake it.

"Nice to meet you Mr. Neo, my name is Lain."

"Alright, Lain! What type of dress are you looking for today?"

"Uh..." I feel put on the spot and begin to nibble on my lip. "Soren, could you help tell him where the date is?" Soren nods and before he fills Neo in he steps behind me to place his large hands over my ears. I stand between them and watch Neo's face light up, I also feel the warmth radiating from Soren and the rumble in his chest as he speaks. I twiddle with my thumbs waiting for them to finish.

Once he's done talking Soren rests his arms down and Neo winks at me.

"You're one lucky girl." He speaks referring to whatever it is that Soren told him.

I'm even more excited to know what Soren has planned. I think back on how I've been trying to get him to tell me but the only thing he says is that It's a surprise.

"Well. You may not know the occasion but I can narrow down some dresses fit for it and you pick whichever you like the most." Neo voices while scampering around the store and laying some of the dresses on his sleeve. I and Soren watch his fluid movements, it almost looks like he's dancing.


"Alright! I'm about to show you the first one!" I speak loudly. I hear Soren call out an okay. I look at the yellow strapless dress I'm in once more before I step out of the small room, Neo was nowhere in sight. Soren sighs and tilts his head to the side. He's standing a few feet away from me so I'm able to clearly see the burning want in his green eyes.

"Thoughts?" I ask.

"Spin for me." He responds. I do as he says and spin following the twirl of the dress with my dizzy eyes.

"You look so ravishing, Angel."

I walk up to him and bring his hands to hold my waist. He follows along with no questions. "Will there be dancing at this secretive date of yours." I pry.

"If you want there to be." He catches my method of trying to swindle him. I pretend to not be embarrassed and make a move to walk back into the changing room but his firm grip on my hips stop me. I turn my face back around to figure out what's wrong but when I do he presses a chaste kiss to the corner of my mouth.

"Don't be upset, Love. Be patient. I know you can do that right, Baby?" he speaks lowly  and my heartbeat speeds up.

"Oh, uh. Yeah." I agree forgetting who I am and where I am. God, attractive people always get what they desire. He let's go off me and I walk on shaky legs back to the changing room.


Authors note:

I lowkey struggled with this chapter goodness me. I hope you all enjoy this double update! I added a bit more of a description about Soren's looks. HE IS SO FINE GOD HELP ME. also I loveee when I recieve notifs abt ppl commenting on this book it warms my heart ugh.

(⁄ ⁄•⁄ω⁄•⁄ ⁄)

But anyways! Thank you for reading and making it this far. <3

Till next time |・д・)ノ

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