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Soren's Pov:

We're standing in front of one another. I hold eye contact and she skittishly avoids it. Small speckles of rainbow lighting made her dark skin look close to pearlescent. I had a knack for seeing the supernatural so I notice the small glowing twinkles that frit around her, if I listen close enough I am able to make out their conversations about how she was holy. I thought about her statement and my heart aches in a way that it wasn't used to, a way that I felt would become common each time she opened up to me. I am glad she trust's me in such a manner. I have many questions about how our souls are tied and why my face softens at her glance, about how even though we'd known each other for only a few months at most I wanted to fall at her feet. When I turn my candles off at night and stare blankly at my ceiling my mind always swarms with thoughts about her smile, her laugh, her mind, her knowledge.

Am I under some sort of spell? And if so I pray it never breaks. I had never spoken so openly with someone before and I would do anything to keep it like this. To keep talking to Lain. I was scared. Affrighted that if she knew the depths to which this obsession was growing she would severe this bond that I had been working so very hard to maintain.

I am a fool and I often think with my heart but when it comes to my kingdom I could even take a stake to it, more than a stake, I could pull it out bare-handedly and serve it still beating on a platter. I adored Lain, but if she posed a threat to those that have entrusted me with their safety and lives sensitive and painful decisions would be made. That is what I was sworn and born into as the King.

"I don't want anything short-term with you, Lain. I would like to get to know you, everything you have to offer me. I would like to know about the Lamb from my childhood and even more I'd like to know how to keep you interested in me. I obsess, greatly, for you. I want to be able to open up to you about secrets I would never apprise to anyone other than you. I want to know about secrets you've never had the chance to tell anyone else. I can't lie and say all of my intentions with you have been pure, because my imagination can carry me to sensual places."

She visibly relaxes, her breathing calming down ever so slightly. I watch as the worry slips away. So precious.

"Good enough for me. I'm ready to eat now!" She joyously cries out. Her vibrant echo spearing through the somber mood. I smile and also untense myself. I had thought long and hard about what to cook, even seeking help from Anastasia and Chester about what a woman would like to eat during her date. I remember the sly smirk Anastasia had been shooting at me and Chester's dumbfounded eyes before he sputtered and asked me how come he had never met her.

Lain is wearing a free dress, it didn't hug at her curves but instead concealed all aspects of herself. It reached slightly above her knees and was rich in dark green hues. The back detailing was open and dipped down to just above her hip. the sleeves almost concealed her fingers. A clean manicure on her nails. She sit's before me and I take to the open space next to her. I watch as she wriggles around until she is most comfortable.

"What do you have prepared? I can already smell some strong aromas." She slides the basket to in front of me and gestures with a smile for me to open it. I pause and take a second to appreciate how her lips full lips curl upwards and how her eyes look almost glossy. I knew she wasn't about to cry because I didn't see the wriggle in her eyebrows. her dark eyes were luring me like a sailor to a siren.

"I had cooked as much as I could, I wasn't sure what it is that you like to eat most. I doubt it would even stand a chance to the food you made when we first met." I speak with a waver to my voice. I had never been as nervous as I am now. I can feel my hair sweeping against my nape and the material of my clothing constricting me.

"You cooked?! Is there anything you aren't capable of?" She exclaims happily. Her voice was cheery and happy but even as she raised it it never bothered me, I like that she was able to freely express her joy around me. I like a lot of things that she does. "And wow, I remember that day. What type of King goes unconscious on other peoples doorsteps, do you not care for your life?"

Her words rang true. What I did was innately dangerous and could have very well gotten me killed if I had ended up in the arms of an enemy. It was reckless but even as I racked my brain I couldn't piece together how I got there. Like the time with the lamb, my feet just led me astray.

"I believe it has something to do with you. As stupid as it was, I wouldn't change it considering I met you." I exposed myself sincerely.

"How endearing. I'm glad, too. I had been by myself for a long while and your company is so sweet I can practically taste it." My mind immediately went south.

"You think I'd taste sweet?" I ask amusedly. I want to tease her. Every time she flusters I replay the scene in my mind repeatedly until the next time, only to repeat the process.

Her eyes widened slightly. She groaned softly and pushed against my shoulder. I can see her fingers twitching. "Be quiet, Soren. Feed me." Lain mumbled and gestured to the still closed basket.

"How is the food still warm even?" She perks up to ask.

"Magic. A friend of mine had cast some sort of spell on it." I respond truthfully. I begin unpacking the many things I had forced myself to master how to cook.

"And you trust this friend, right?" I can hear the skepticism in her voice. I noted down mentally to be careful about anything magic related when it comes to her. I didn't want to make her feel pressured or apprehensive.

"Yes. What would you like to eat first? I have rice, roasted vegetables, two different soups, three small cakes, pudding, beef sandwiches, chicken sandwiches, some teas, juices, water, and liquor." My mouth begins to grow tired by the end of the list.

"You really know how to feed a girl. Lets start with the pudding. I haven't had any before because of the price."

I make a sound of agreement and she dances happily where she's sat. I giggle and clear my throat when she hears me. I bring out the two jars of vanilla pudding, This probably had taken me the longest seeing I messed up a plethora of times.

"I feel comfortable opening up to you now, would it be alright if I did so?" She meekly questioned and scooped a spoonful of pudding into her mouth. I watched her eyes sparkle with delight and she took another spoonful.

"I would be ecstatic." I began to eat my own pudding and my heart swelled with pride. I had made a disaster out of the kitchen just trying to make these two small jars of pudding and I can't help but feel deeply accomplished. it took me two hours just to clean.

"I did good right, Baby?" I was excited to hear her praise, the side of my lips twitched up in anticipation.

She giggled softly at my eagerness before lifting her hand to ruffle through my white hair. She pats my cheek twice before confirming my question. "The best pudding I've ever had." I had long forgotten about the pudding now.

"Do that again." I demand. She looks up from her jar with interest.

"Do what?"

"What you just did."

She lifts her arm again and I sit eagerly. She ruffles through my hair again, this time for longer. before resting her hand on my cheek.


"Yeah." I whisper faintly. I lean against her palm and close my eyes.


Authors note:  Hi! new chaptewr yippie!! we hit 2k reads and aaaahhhh im so freaking happy bruv. Thank you all whove taken the time to read, vote, or comment. :,). Soren and Lains date has begun! We are also doing pretty well in ranking rn and I just cant believe it Lol. This is the most disciplined I've been with something. I'm really out here updating likeee.

Lmk ur thoughts about anything!

♡( ◡‿◡ )
see yall next time.
ヽ(≧◡≦)八(o^ ^o)ノ

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