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I've always been beautiful. I knew of my beauty but in many ways I wish I could bury it and only stubbornly show it to those I deemed worthy like a child with their favorite item.

My outward features never really resembled how much despair I felt on the inside. I didn't know if I was pleased with this reality or if it burdened me even more. I was deeply turmoiled in every passing second and sadness thoroughly rubbed my insides till blood oozed from within. But I was also fantastically happy.

My joy was quiet, and it was my most cherished treasure. I hid it from those around me and I nurtured it as much as I could till it eventually dimmed into my state of being. This is how I live. There are times when I look above and send my thanks to the universe for this face I have been blessed with, and there are times where I want to claw it to shreds because of undeserved scrutiny.

My face was a deeply acquired taste, many people saw it as grotesque and unsightly. They prayed for me, dragged me to their family priest and bent me at the knees to repent for a sin that is not one I have committed. If only they knew I was the reason they could bring food to their lips, if only they knew that I should be praised for the sacrifice that I am.

So instead of feeding into their hatred I have changed how they perceived me. each time they call me an abomination I switch the word to highly pleasing. Each time they spit at me to cover my face I pretend they are saying how beautiful the weather is.

"Ah! Your Majesty!" Cameron squeaks. She brings her hands to her lips and mutters something before bowing and running into the back of the store. I know the next time I visit I will not hear the end of it. I also knew that those who hadn't already seen me and the king around town will be sure to know by tomorrow.

Soren sighs and follows behind me. Once we're secluded in the romance section I start scanning for something to satiate my thirst for literacy. Before I knew it I had three books stacked in my palms and Soren had seven more in his.

"It makes sense that someone with such a romantic air around them would read such a thing." He broke the silence by whispering in my ear. I was facing the shelf and I could feel his body behind me.

"Romantic air?" I humored myself by leaning back.

"Yes. Every time I'm around you I feel as though I should have brought roses along with me." he whispers again, this time his lips graze my ear. I am not about to let him fluster me again so this time I act with a plan.

I shove him back gently and turn around. He has a faint smile on his lips and amusement clear in his face. I walk towards him until he's the one against a bookshelf. I push myself onto the tips of my toes and lean in to where it feels like our lips will meet. As he gazes down at me in a sultry manner I pause and lift my arm to slide in a book near his head that was pushed too far out. I step back and continue my search.

"It was bothering me." I speak freely. I release a laugh when I face my head backwards to see him looking disheveled and erratic.


Tonight was the first night Soren would be sleeping in my cottage since I found him unconscious on my doorstep.

"Princess, would you prefer I hang these or fold them?" In his hand is the vast collection of dresses I've grown. We'd been lazing around in since we arrived back home and he had decided to do the chores I put off.

"Leave them on that chair, just come join me. I'll even tell you a bedtime story." I say and lazily point my hand to the pink seat in the corner of my bedroom that already has dresses heaped onto it. It was night time now and my fear was starting to bubble up. Soren did as I told and came to shuffle under the covers.

Once we were both comfortable and I had slid a pillow dividing us I began.

"Once upon a time, there was a girl." The rain beat against my windows and the faint crackling of thunder made me inch into the pillow laying between us.

"This girl had features that were never seen before. After an event that I shall promptly glaze over she stumbled her way into a town called Gratiam." my voice was low and hoarse.

"In this town the people were prosperous. they flaunted their wealth because of their efficient agriculture. They held parties for the higher up and they snubbed those below them and they especially hated what they didn't know. The girl had stumbled into the wrong territory. because she was something even she herself did not know." I squeezed my palms together tightly.

"Her skin was dark and umber and her nose was round but small. Her eyes were almond but darker than any of them had ever seen. Her lips were prominent and her head was round with a softness that almost resembled a sheep." Me and Soren laid facing each other so I was able to watch as his hand crept to cup my face. He slowly circled from my eyes to my lips before resting it on my cheeks. We laid in this position for many minutes.

"What scared them most was below that. An oozing open wound with blood still making its way down presented itself on her chest. The various plants and thorns that wrapped all the way up till her thighs. The head of a lamb she clutched tightly to her chest. The sorrow filled wails that wrecked through the walls and the streets dead in the night." My throat tightened. I could feel the small tears brimming my eyes. Soren shifts the pillow away. He brings me to his chest and hugs me.

"You can stop Lain." He whimpered. I felt the way his fingers tightened on the back of my shirt.

"For months the girl was ridiculed. The Town of Gratiam had never seen better days. Their crops had flourished and their trades were successful. This all began when the girl had arrived. Blinded by fear they hunted her down. On a dark night she could hear the chants, she felt the world beneath her shake from their rage. The screaming."

Kill her.

Kill her.

Kill her.

I quietly shook, stuffing my face deeper into Soren's chest. My skin prickled in remembrance, however the urge to run could not be beaten by the urge to stay in this position where I felt safest.

"She escaped." I finished. Soren ran his hands up and down my back, he would bring it up to flatten my hair and then whisper encouraging words at me. He cooed at me softly and allowed my nails to break into his skin without complaint. He pressed his hands on my ears when I felt like I was hearing them again and sang to me to calm my tears. By this point I already laid over his chest. Sleep put my mind to rest.


Hi yall! we're at 120 reads and I am in shambles. I seriously am so grateful and I love every one of you. This chapter is supposed rto bring little insight to lains past and tbh im really proud of it. Idk if im just sayting that cuz Ive been staring at it for so long but oh well. We were briefly ranked 64 on bwwm and that was just. wow.

THANK YOU FOR 9 VOTES!!! If you feel like it please leave a vote, it really helps me out. ( or comments cuz its so interesting to see what ppl think while they read.)

ughhhh Im so tempted to go back and rewrite the last chapter but I think ill leave it as it is now. (ᗒᗣᗕ)՞

Anyhow, thank you for the love. see you next chapter.


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