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Its been a week since I last spoke. I've been spending all week laid in bed staring out of the window. I don't have the energy to get up. I don't feel like I've got the energy to do much anymore. Morticia keeps coming to check on me. And if my door is locked she texts me saying shes worried.

I've started to think maybe it would be better me not being here..in this world. My family most likely don't care for me anymore...and it would take away most of morticias problems.

I shake away the thoughts and I get up. This weekend is parents weekend. Everyone has to be in attendance. Morticia told me she's spending the weekend with Wednesday and her son and their father. She said to tell her if I need her. I put on my uniform and I tie my hair in a low ponytail before heading down.

I spot my parents straight away and they are already talking to xavier. I walk over and they look at me in disgust. "Young lady..how dare you frame your brother for a crime..and burning the crackstone statue down?!...what the hell is wrong with you?!" My father screams at me.

I stay silent and I look down at my hands as I try to stop my tears from falling. "Look at your father when he's talking to you!..and speak up!" My mother shouts. Her hand yanks my chin up so im looking at them. "Oh you didn't here?...the bitch has went mute for some reason.." Xavier smirks as he tells them.

"Your a disgrace to this family..once you leave nevermore the privilege of having the name Thorpe shall be taken away...get out of my sight" my father scoffs at me. I do as he says and I walk off. I spot morticia and she looks happy. Shes laughing with her family and ex husband. She's happy..

I sit on a bench out of the way as I take a box of painkillers out of my pocket. I take about 10 of them before putting them back in my pocket. After about 5 minutes I start feeling drowsy so I get up. As I walk towards the entrance to the school I notice Weems staring at me.

"Where are you going?" She asks me. I don't say anything and I keep walking. She watches as I make my way inside and upstairs to my dorm.


I feel a hand on my arm and I turn around to spot a worried larissa. "Nyx just ignored me and went to her room...is she still not talking?" She asks me. "No..she doesn't leave her room..how did she seem?" I ask. "She seemed quite out of it..maybe she just went to sleep..you should go check on her though" as soon as larissa stops speaking I rush towards my girlfriends dorm. After knocking on the door a few times I give in and I push it open.

My heart stops when I spot Nyx laid on her bed pale with two empty boxed of painkillers next to her. She tiredly opens her eyes to look at me and whispers "tish..im tired..". "Oh love..what did you do!" I scoop her up and I rush down to larissas office. I stop her just before she sits down.

"Rissa...she not ok..call an ambulance.." I say putting the empty boxes on her desk. "Get her in my bathroom and try to get her to throw up"Larissa tells me what to do and I rush into the bathroom.


After atleast an hour of being forced to throw up whatever I took im sat slumped against morticia as a paramedic takes my blood pressure. I refused to be taken to hospital so morticia is given a leaflet that tells her how to take care of me. Parents weekend was canceled so that weems and morticia could stay with me.

Tish picks me up she sits on the sofa. She puts me so im straddling her and I lay my head on her shoulder. Tears flow out of my eyes as I stay in my silent state. "I know love..were gonna get you help...and I'm here for you..I love you mon chéri..." Morticia says as she runs her nails up and down my back. I fall asleep in her embrace.

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