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After many..many excruciating hours of being dragged around by Taylor we go back to the hotel. I look at the clock on the wall and its nearly midnight. I smile at her softly as I keep tight hold of the bags. I mainly got things for Morticia, Raven and the baby and I think I just got a black dress for me that I will probably give to Wednesday since it won't fit for long.

"I'm gonna head to bed.." I mutter as I try not to yawn. "Are you sure? You can come back to my room if you want?" She offers. I shake my head "No I need sleep..". She watches as I walk towards the elevator and I press to go up to mine and Morticia's floor.

I use my elbow to open the door and I walk into the room. Tish comes out the bathroom and takes my bags from me "There you are. Mon cheri you shouldnt have been carrying all of this". I groan as I sit on the bed "my feet hurt..". She laughs slightly and sits next to me "They will my love".

I look out to the balcony when I feel a cool breeze. I frown when I notice two glasses. One with red wine and one with scotch. "Was someone here?" I question. I notice her hesitating to tell me "Yes..Gomez was here.". I look at her shocked "Go-..as in your Ex husband Gomez?".

"This is why I didn't want to tell you. He just bumped into me by the pool and said he's here since its where we came for our 10th anniversary and our anniversary would be today. He asked to come up for a drink and I agreed". She tells me.

I feel my heart drop "You..had a celebratory drink with your Ex husband on what would have been your anniversary?". "It wasn't like that Mon cheri! It was just a drink between two friends" she argues. I scoff "Would you like if I was able to have a drink with..Mike a..and I did?".

"Thats not the same Nyx. Anyways you spent the day with another woman!" Morticia raises her voice slightly. "You said you were fine with that. You know what..I'm tired and I don't have the energy to do this" I mutter as I  grab my phone. "Where are you going? Love!" Tish shouts after me as I walk out the door.

I rub my eyes trying not to cry as I walk through the hotel hallways. I stop at a door and I knock. It opens and I fake a smile "Does the offer still stand?". Taylor nods and moves to let me into the room. I sigh as I sit on the end of her bed "We..had a fight. She had her ex husband in our room for a drink on their anniversary..and then she said I was out with another woman..which isn't the same and-".

I cut off by lips on mine. After a few seconds of trying to register what is happening I push Taylor away "What the hell is wrong with you?!". "I love you Nyx more than anyone else could! We are made for eachother" She whispers to me walking towards me as I back towards the door. "Stay the hell away from me you maniac" I shout as I walk out.

As i get to the door of my own room it opens. Morticia nearly walks into me and she sighs "Love there you are..i was getting worried". "She kissed me" I mutter still in shock "Taylor..she kissed me". "She what-..are you okay?" Tish asks cupping my face. I nod slowly as I struggle to make eye contact with her.

"I'm sorry Tish" I whimper out as tears rush to my eyes. "Oh my love..its okay..its not your fault. You just thought she was being friendly" tish brings me further into the room and sits on the bed. I straddle her lap and I rest my head on her shoulder. I feel myself starting to relax as I fall asleep in her hold.

It gets to the last day of the honeymoon and all this week I have felt watched. Like someone is following me. I decided not to tell morticia since she would probably just make it a huge deal.

I smile up at Tish as she places a hat on my head "you look beautiful Mon cheri". I kiss her cheek and I gasp as I spot a ice cream stand "Tish can you get me some ice cream whilst I buy this please?". She nods and kisses me before walking off.

I turn back to the stall as I take the hat off my head "How much is this?". I freeze as its ripped out of my hands and the stall owner puts it back where I got it. "You lesbians are disgusting. Leave!" He shouts throwing a cup of water over me.

I look up so I don't cry as I walk over to Morticia. "Wheres the hat my love?...why are you wet?" She asks as she walks over to me holding two ice creams. I look down at my hands and I shake my head "I..uh..changed my mind on the hat..and I fell in a puddle. I can just take my coat off though". She watches as I do so and shakes her head trying to keep quiet.

I hold her hand as we eat our icecreams. I look behind me as I get the sense that someone is following me. I sigh when I see no one. Tish stops me and holds my chin between her thumb and finger "What is wrong..and don't lie to me?". I look at her as I think. I decide to tell her the better thing "the..man at the hat stall was homophobic. He refused to let me buy it and threw water on me.".

Her arms wrap around me and she hugs me "Oh love..why didnt you tell me when we were closer to him..I would have put him in his place.". "I'm sorry..I just didn't want to worry you" I tell her as I hold his hand. "Lets just get you back to the hotel..you have a long night and an early morning" She whispers before kissing me roughly.

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