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I wake up to my body aching. I sit up and my eyes widen at the woman underneath me. I stand up biting my lip as larissa's shifted dick slides out of me. I pace back and forth panicking as I try to find my clothes. I hear a sigh coming from Larissa and a confused "Nyx?".

I turn to face her and I mutter "what the hell did we do? Morticia's gonna hate me..w..we already were heading for divorce a..and this will push us over rather edge. Rissa I cheated on her with you..what am I gonna tell her?". I feel arms wrapping around me making me stop in my tracks. I let out a sob as I lean into larissa's hold.

I'm seated down on the end of the bed and I watch as larissa gets ready. She comes over to me and places a dress and my bra on me. "You can tell her when you're ready...im sure she will understand that we were both drunk and didn't know that were doing" she tells me helping me put my heels on. I nod slowly wiping my eyes.

Walking through the halls of nevermore I can't help but feel nervous as people stare at my face. I keep my head down avoiding making eye contact with anyone as I walk towards my classroom.

I bump into a body and arms hold onto mine to stop me from falling backwards. I look up and my eyes meet my wife's. "Mon cheri..where have you been?" She asks hugging me tight. "I..uh..stayed at Rissa's" I tell her moving away from her.

Her hands cup my face and she looks at my cut and bruised face confused "what happened?". I look down as I mutter "the car flipped". "Why didnt you call me..or come home?..Raven was asking for you" she tells me and I just hum. "I have a lesson to get to..ill..see you later" I tell her. I go to kiss her but I have second thoughts about it and I kiss her cheek leaving Morticia looking disappointed.

Over the next 3 weeks we begin to argue more and move. Over little things such as me drinking the last of the wine or her working late. It always ends in one of us sleeping on the sofa or in Ravens room with her. It doesn't help I've started getting a sickness bug and headaches which make the arguing worse. I decided to book an appointment with my doctor just incase its the cancer back..which I hope it isn't.

The doctor did tell me to take a pregnancy test just incase..which I thought was stupid since I haven't went through any more ivf. I place the pregnancy test on the sink before setting a timer on my phone and sitting back on the floor. I keep tidying under the sink whilst I wait.

My phone dings and I stand up again. My eyes widen at the 'PREGNANT 3+ WEEKS' on the test. My heart breaks. I can't be pregnant. Ill just loose it again and when I lost corbyn I nearly killed myself. And I won't have tish this time because she will know I cheated and will hate me.

I hear the door shut downstairs and I wipe the tears from my eyes. I go downstairs after pulling myself together and I smile when my little girl runs to me "Mama!". I pick her up and I kiss her cheek "hi honey. How was your day?". "It was good. Did you know graces mommy and daddy are having another baby? Can you and mommy have another baby?" She asks grinning.

I put her down before standing up straight "Why..dont you go put your pj's on hun? We can have a movie night?". She nods and I watch as she runs off to her room. I sigh walking into the kitchen. I spot Morticia cutting the heads off of some roses and I smile slightly. That smile fades when the guilt hits me about what I have to tell her.

I stand opposite her whilst making a sandwich for Raven.  "Morticia.." I ask her. "She looks up at me and nods "yes my love?". "I need to speak with you about something" I tell her cutting the sandwich into squares. "She stops what she is doing to give me all her attention "Whats wrong? Is everything okay?".

I look down as tears rush to my eyes. I let out a shakey breath before whispering "I'm pregnant". "Your-..we weren't trying..Nyx..you cheated on me? With who?"Morticia asks with a hurt look on her face. I wipe my eyes looking back at her "Larissa-..but we were really drunk a..and to be honest I can't remember much of it and neither can she. I'm so so-".

A hand hits my face. The force makes my head switch direction and a gasp leaves my mouth. Everything goes quiet. I Daren't look at my wife as my eyes start to water. The constant sting in my cheeks just reminds me of the pain I've caused her. Caused my wife..my soulmate.

I finally make eye contact with the dark haired woman who has tears running down her cheeks. The look on her face is a mixture of shock that she just laid her hands on me and hatred at the fact I slept with her best friend.

"Get out.." she mutters out walking back around to the roses. "W..what?" I ask leaning against the counter. "I said get out Nyx! Go stay elsewhere..I don't give a shit" she shouts at me. I nod slowly as I go to the front door. "I'm so-" I start to apologise again as I step out of the door just for it to be slammed in my face.

I call a cab and I go to nevermore. I walk up to Larissa's office trying not to look at students. I haven't really spoken to larissa much since we had sex. She glances at me every now and then and says good morning to me if we are near students. But other than that things have been awkward.

The door opens and a shocked looking larissa opens the door. She sighs at me and goes to close the door again. "No-..Larissa please-" I plead trying to hold the door open. "No Nyx! Morticia told me you told her and not to let you..what did she say..oh right..darken my doorstep." She tells me. I scoff at her "Dont act like I'm the only one in the wrong here Larissa". She shakes her head at me before shutting the door again.

I hold back my tears as I quickly walk through the school. I didn't want my relationship to end like this. Infact I didn't want it to end at all...

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