Chapter 7

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Song Changan climbed two steps forward in some doubts, raised his head and looked at the handsome man in front of him.

  He may be more expressionless on weekdays, so that the gentleness facing him seems to be a bit stiff, but his eyes and patient movements tell Song Changan that the other party is really taking care of him.

  In a short period of time, they explored many things related to his past, and he even knew his own name.

  Song Changan hummed twice as a response, but the other party couldn't understand, so he just smiled and nodded his head.

  "Arnold, what Chang'an?" Quick asked.

  Arnold: "The cub's name is Chang'an."

  Quick: "How do you know?"

  Arnold told about his discovery, and Quick also called out dubiously, and sure enough, he saw the cub looking at him.

  So the whole group cheered happily, until the little cub lay down and refused to move any more.

  Xu Jue didn't find the cub in the room until this time.

  He was so focused on the unknown book before, and no one informed him of the discovery of the cub, so even if he was in the same room with the cub, he only realized the most unique existence in the room after Arnold spoke.

  Words are the glorious history of the empire, but cubs are also the future of the empire, both of which are equally important to Xu Jue.

  What's more, he found out that this cub was covered in fluff, which was completely different from anything he had ever seen before. It looked easy to touch, so he quickly walked to Arnold's side.

  "Major General Arnold, why did the cub appear here?" Xu Jue asked.

  He didn't dare to reach out to touch it. After observing it closely, the cub looked too fragile. The nails and claws, including himself, were only small, which made him feel that a light touch could hurt him.

  Arnold nodded to him as a greeting, but he didn't speak when he saw the little cub whose eyes were about to narrow again.

  The person who answered him was Quick: "Arnold discovered this by accident. We will arrange procedures as soon as possible to ensure the safety of the cub. The medical department has been notified and they will send professionals to help us take care of the cub.

  " It is a follow-up matter agreed between Quick and others and Arnold.

  Arnold was the first to discover the cub. If they couldn't find the parents of the cub, Arnold could take the cub with him to take care of him. Perhaps because of the cub's special nature, Arnold, who usually doesn't care much about the cub, was uncharacteristically Very gentle.

  But everyone knows that as a major general, Arnold has a lot of things to deal with. He can indeed take care of the cubs, but he cannot give the cubs the best environment and care all the time. The best choice is under the joint management of scientific research institutes and medical departments.

  Xu Jue looked at Arnold in surprise, then looked at the skinny little cub, and couldn't help but ask, "Is the cub healthy? He looks too weak. Where are his parents? Not enough. The cubs are unable to resist the damage from the outside world, and Xu Jue is inevitably worried.

  Even if those golden and yellowish fluff make him feel itchy, they cannot make him ignore the reality that the cubs have low self-protection ability

  Quick shook his head: "Cub, no, Chang'an's parents are two irresponsible people. We are trying our best to find them, but after we find them, they will no longer have the right to take care of the cubs , on the contrary we will hold them accountable for abandoning their cubs. "

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