Chapter 56

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Song Changan was really tired because of the mess at night. He was picked up by Arnold and given medicine to Xiaozhuozhao, but he didn't wake up. He snored and slept soundly.

    And Arnold is still having a headache, how to improve the relationship between him and Zai Zai when he wakes up tomorrow?? Let the shy and angry little Changan forget about the plush panties and get close to him as usual,?? But he almost stayed up until dawn, Still haven't been able to come up with a good idea.

    After moving the little guy on the bed to the side of the pillow so that he wouldn't get under his shoulders, Arnold closed his eyes and prepared to rest for a while.

    The room was silent, and when Song Changan opened his eyes, Arnold was still lying beside him.

    In the past, when he woke up, Arnold had already packed everything and waited for him to get up. This is the first time that such a situation happened today.

    Song Changan was surprised for a while, and then remembered what happened to the panties yesterday, and instantly rolled to the side twice to open the distance.

    Song Chang'an: I still have to be angry today, I can't get so close to Arnold, otherwise Arnold won't have a long memory!

    But he heard the sound of himself rolling away, probably because he is a little chubby now, so the sound is quite loud, and Song Changan didn't dare to move after turning two times.

    Although Arnold has done bad things, he is usually careful not to wake himself up when he wakes up. It is rare that he wakes up early and wakes up the other party. It is a bit too much, even if he is angry, there is no reason for it, and such words He would lose confidence in arguing with Arnold later.

    Song Changan found two reasons for himself to be quiet. He slowly turned over without making any movement. He moved to the side bit by bit with his four short legs, preparing to lean against this The ants crawled back to his nest to lie down with his panties.

    Arnold, who was in a light sleep, woke up when Song Changan just started to move,?? He pretended not to wake up calmly. In fact, he was a little sad that Changan ran away when he opened his eyes when he saw him, but he was very fast. I found that the movement around me became smaller.

    Arnold turned around slightly, and saw a little bald bear crawling out little by little with its stiff paws, and it hadn't crawled half his body away after a while.

    Arnold's heart softened, knowing that Chang An was only being so careful not to wake him up, he couldn't hold back in the end, turned sideways, picked him up and put him on his chest, and then closed his eyes in satisfaction.

    It's still early, he can take Chang'an to sleep for a while.

    Hearing the sudden movement behind him, Song Changan didn't dare to move. He didn't know if he had woken Arnold up. When he was looking back, he saw a big hand flying towards him and grabbed him.

    Song Changan: "!!!!"

    When he was covered in the palm of his hand and pressed against his hot chest, Song Changan was still in a daze. After a while, he suddenly poked his head out and looked towards the top. His position Only Arnold's Adam's apple could be seen, but Arnold didn't move for a while, so he should still be asleep.

    Song Changan, who was startled, took a breath slowly to calm down his nervous mood, and only then began to think about the current situation.

    He obviously slept in the den yesterday, but he woke up today and found himself lying next to Arnold, and he almost crawled back into his den just now, but was caught by Arnold, Song Changan After rummaging through the existing clues, he came to a conclusion—the reason why he was sleeping on the bed was that Arnold had picked him up in the middle of the night!

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