Chapter 10

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Not long after, the people in the kitchen returned the small fish that Arnold had sent.

    In this era, almost everyone is drinking nutritional supplements to fill their hunger. Although this kind of fresh food is easy to process, it cannot provide the energy needed by an adult, and it tastes bad, so it is very Few will try.

    In the scientific research institute, the kitchen left behind as a formality is almost equivalent to the logistics department. It is usually responsible for the processing and distribution of nutrition for everyone, but today, they finally played their true role - cooking fish for the cubs .

    When it was delivered to Arnold, more than a dozen small silver fishes on the plate had their heads and tails removed, leaving only the silver body in the middle. They carefully removed the only bone inside, leaving only the edible fish. of meat.

    After tumbling in the scalding water for a long time, half of the silver color on the fish's body was also lost, and it was now softly sticking to the plate.

    Arnold smiled helplessly at the little cub who had been extremely excited since the plate appeared.

    In his cognition, cubs don't seem to like eating fish very much, except for some with specific beast genes, but the cubs are obviously not a special case.

    But as long as he wants, he will satisfy him.

    The fish had been sucked dry of the outer layer of water, and it was still warm to the touch. Arnold twisted a piece and sent it to the cub so that he could hold it and eat it.

    Song Changan, who was full of joy and thought that he could eat meat, was jumping around on the spot, looking at Arnold eagerly, and raised his hand high when he brought the fish over.

    Song Changan: "Even if it's fish, it's still meat! Eat meat, eat meat..."

    But as he was stuffed with the meat of the silver fish, Song Changan's excited expression slowly froze .

    What came out of the tip of his nose was a faint fishy smell, although it wasn't particularly strong, but this vague smell lingered around him all the time, making him a little resistant.

    Because of his small stature, the fur on Song Changan's body inevitably stuck to the fish again, and Song Changan, who suddenly felt that he was about to turn into a golden silk bear full of fishy smell, was a little flustered.

    Things seemed to exceed his expectations, not as simple as he imagined.

    But the bad-tasting but sweet-tasting potion made Song Changan look forward to the fish in front of him, so he lowered his head and carefully took a bite.

    The meat is tender, the taste is soft, and the taste is disgusting.

    Song Changan: "..."

    This is definitely the worst fish he has ever eaten in his life. He should have realized the danger of this fish long before he smelled the onion, ginger and garlic. Instead of trying desperately.

    Song Changan, who was full of fishy smell, sniffled and cried aggrievedly. He just wanted to eat some meat, why is it so difficult?

    He couldn't even swallow the small mouthful in his mouth, so he held his breath and spit it out into the small trash can prepared for him next to him. The small bucket that usually only contained chaff fell into a piece of meat for the first time.

    He also intended to throw away the fish in his arms, but it was the fish he caught himself, and he went into the water to catch it because he was greedy, so it seemed like a waste to throw it away like this.

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