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Barnaby was in the park waiting for Wally, they agreed to hang out that day. And as everyone knows, Wally doesn't break promises, nor comes late, what a punctual guy! Wally arrived as they planned, near Howdy's shop.
Barnaby looks like a simpleminded dog at first, but he thinks further than many think. He notices the wrongs first and knows a lot. A trait he got for his loyalty and being so caring towards the other members. And now, his eyes were scanning Wally, who looked out of energy, with eye bags and his trouble concentrating. As he was zoned out, Barnaby started to notice there was something off about him as he progressively looked at him more. He was worried, that was sure.

"Wally, bud, you look a little tired today... did you get enough sleep last night?"

"Hm? Yes, sorry for troubling you, I am okay!"

"You surely don't look like it. If you feel unwell, just tell me, no need to be afraid!"

"Of course!"

They first went to Howdy's shop. Howdy was welcoming to everyone, but Wally sometimes stole apples from him, so he kept an eye on him. However, recently he stopped doing so and soon after completely stopped visiting the shop. So, when he saw him and Barnaby, he was surprised. When they came to the counter, Howdy, too, noticed Wally laughing looked awfully off.

"Welcome guys! Especially you, Wally, you haven't visited in a while! Say, what makes you look so tired today? Bad sleep?"

"Oh, I'm alright!"

"If you say so. Anyways, what brings you guys here today?"

"I'll take one whipped cream hot dog, as usual! Do you want anything, Wally?"

"Thank you, I don't need anything!"

After they left the shop and waved Howdy goodbye, they started walking around the neighbourhood. Barnaby finished eating his weird hot dog as they walked. A little later, Wally's head spun.
It was like a hypnotising spell of some sort. It hurt. A lot. Then, in his blank vision, he saw Home. His head hurt more. He was about to faint, but got back to his consciousness quickly.

"Barnaby, uhm, could we sit somewhere? I'm feeling a little dizzy."

Barnaby took his hand and they both sat down onto the nearest bench.

"Wally, are you okay? Do I need to take you home?"

"No! I mean, it's okay, I'm okay-"

His head spun crazily. He lost consciousness again. Luckily, Barnaby was there to catch him in his arms.

"Oh my god, Wally!"

He picked him up and rushed to his house. He put him in his huge bed and waited for him to wake up. An hour later, Wally woke up.

"Barnaby? What happened?"

"You fainted! You scared me lots, Wally, now please tell me what's wrong..."

Wally didn't want to say what was happening. He knew he would get himself killed that way. But if he at least hinted about it, it wouldn't be that bad...right?

"...Me and Home...we-"

Zip! His mouth were closed shut. Then they opened again.

"What was it again? You didn't finish your sentence..."

"Nevermind, there's nothing you should worry about, I am fine."

He stood up from Barnaby's bed and started to leave. Barnaby quickly grabbed his small hand to stop him.

"...Just...know I'm there for you. Okay, Wally? I care about you."

Wally didn't say anything, but his smile became real for a second. Then he left as Barnaby let go of his hand.

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