Wally's new home

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Home was gone. Everything was okay now. Wally couldn't believe it for a minute and tears streamed down his face. Barnaby hugged him tight to let him let out all the tears.
Meanwhile, the others came to the two, in shock of what happened. They were asking questions and the only one to answer was Barnaby. He couldn't answer in detail, however, that was up to Wally to decide if he wanted to share his painful experiences with the neighbours. For now, he was crying and everyone instantly turned their attention to him, comforting him and telling him it was okay.
After a while, Wally got better and Howdy offered him and all the others to go sit inside his bodega to enjoy some drinks and to maybe even listen to Wally explain what happened. So they went and Wally gave out some details with a shaky voice, but couldn't tell them everything, since it was so disturbing to talk about.
After that, Barnaby offered Wally a permanent living in his house and Wally agreed. They then all spread their ways and everyone went back home, the two going to one house.

"Here you go, buddy. I'm pretty sure you know where you'll be sleeping." , Barnaby smiled and Wally returned a slight genuine smile.

"Thank you."

They hugged once more and Barnaby gave Wally his pajama, even though Wally knew where his things were. He had some clothes in Barnaby's house because of how often he slept over, it was like his second home. Barnaby gave him a cup of hot cocoa with tiny white marshmallows and made himself one too and they sat on the two armchairs in the living room. Wally was drawing in a sketchbook and Barnaby was listening to a radio. After some time, when Wally looked up, Barnaby was sleeping like a log. He chuckled a bit and went to grab a blanket to cover him. As he was covering him neatly, Barnaby put up his arm and wrapped it around Wally in his sleep. Wally, who couldn't move from the right grasp accepted his fate and fell asleep too.

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