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Wally walked on the lonely path leading from Barnaby's house to his house, Home. He was shaking in fear, afraid of what Home might do to him as a punishment of almost exposing it. The terrifying things it has done to him...all for knowing the truth behind it.
Wally and Home were best buds, if we exclude Barnaby. They were happy together and Wally always looked up to Home. But one day, he found out something he shouldn't have known. Something that Home hid away from him, who told him everything. The forgotten show they were all waiting in, this forgotten world... Everyone in the neighbourhood already knew about it. It was such a long time ago they found out, now they are living with the fact and try to ignore it as much as they can. Other than that, they are pretty happy with their lives, which Wally was very jealous of. He acted cheerful around others and hid the fact, that in Home it was terror. Home was the one who found out about the world being a lost show first and when it did, it decided to save the world. It sounds heroic, but Home had much darker intentions. He wanted to control whatever and whoever was behind all this and make them pay for not showing the full potential of the show that could be reawakened once again. And it did have a small reach, but not very strong. As time went by, Home became more desperate to find out the truth behind the restoration team, that hid its hints away from public eye. That's when it hit it. Wally was a puppet and he could possibly exist in the real world. Only his presence was trapped in the show. It decided to brainwash Wally to send letters to the team and get revenge through him. It manipulated and controlled Wally against his will and when he tried to tell anyone about it or do things not allowed by Home, it would punish him by hurting him with the ink from so below. Home lost it completely. It stopped communicating with anyone else than Wally and when he left, it just watched from afar and saw his every step through his eyes. It could control Wally to act out of his normal behaviour, but luckily, it didn't happen in front of any of the neighbours yet. It had access to Wally's mind whenever it pleased and Wally had to be extra careful about what he said and done. What a manipulative house...and Wally did absolutely no wrong.

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