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He woke up the next day very early in the morning. He stood up carefully and luckily his strength mostly recovered already. His hair was a mess, but he had no motivation to fix that and so he opened the door from Home. Just as he was about to leave, Home warned him.

"*screech* (You better stay quiet...)"

Wally didn't respond, just lowered his head and turned around to go. He went off towards Barnaby's house. When he arrived, he knocked at the door lightly. No answer. Barnaby was most definitely still asleep because it was too early. And they all know that Barnaby won't wake up until he gets his beauty sleep. So Wally went to Howdy's shop, which wasn't open yet, but Howdy was already there because of putting up new stock. He gazed through the glass doors, trying to find Howdy to alert him about himself. And a few seconds later, Howdy appeared at the counter. Wally knocked on the door and as Howdy noticed him, he did a small wave towards him. Howdy went to quickly unlock the door for him and let him inside.

"Oh hey, Wally! Why so early today? And looking so tired! Your hair is all messy, did you get good sleep?"


"Not much of a talker so early in the morning? Does something trouble you? Hold on, I'll go grab an apple for you."

He picked a shiny red apple from the newly set up fresh apple pile and put it on the counter in front of Wally. Wally stared at the apple, but didn't eat it.

"Now tell me. Is there something you need help with? I am eager to help you."


"I-I'm not pressuring you or anything, but if you need help, I am here."

After that, Wally stood up and went towards the door.

"You're going already? Alright. But you know my shop is open until the evening, so come whenever you like."

With that, Wally left without a single word. With his unshaped hair and a collar not buttoned properly, he just went where he felt the calmest-the tree he always sits under. He sat under it and watched the sunrise with tears starting to roll down his eyes. How can he get saved? Will he ever get saved? He sat there for another hour or maybe even more until he finally heard the neighbours greeting each other. In the distance, he could hear Julie greeting Poppy and Sally as they entered Poppy's house. Probably went to bake something together again. They were all so happy, not in danger, enjoying life. He stayed sitting on the spot until he would feel like leaving it, he had nothing to do after all.
Later, as it was a little more quiet, he could hear Barnaby somewhere far, clearly already up for a while. He sounded confused and a little worried. Wonder if he was looking for Wally. That would confirm when he entered Howdy's shop, which when he left, he went straight towards the tree. He slowly approached Wally and sat down next to him.

"Wally! I've been looking for you- oh, you look tired. Are you alright, bud?"


"You know, I can't help but think that you are having some awful days lately and I just stand right next to you, unable to help. I really want to, but if you don't tell me anything, it's really hard to figure out."


"Do you have a problem with any of the neighbours? Do you have a problem...with me? Please don't tell me I upset you or anything, if so, I'm sorry..."


"Is...Home angry at you? Are you angry at Home? I've noticed you've been avoiding Home lately-"

"There's nothing...wrong with me and Home."

"So Home is the problem!"

"No, it isn't."

"Whatever you say, but I am keeping an eye on him from now on. If he hurts you, he'll pay."

"Home is fine. I am fine..."

But Wally couldn't control his emotions. Tear droplets started forming at his tired eyes and they started falling down. Barnaby noticed him crying and with shock he hugged him tight.

"There there...You never cry, looking at you like this breaks my heart, Wally...Shhh, it's okay..."

Wally weeped into his chest for some time until he finally calmed down. Barnaby looked down and saw that Wally was sleeping.

"Oh, you fell asleep, huh. That's quite adorable... Let's take you to my place, friend."

He picked him up into his arms and brought him into his house. He put him on the bed as the day before and looked at him for a while.

"I won't let you get hurt...I care about you too much. I promise, Wally, I will keep you safe..."

He leaned in and kissed him on his forehead, then left outside.

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