Puppets on a string

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Wally's eyes widened. What did it mean by that? Surely not hurting his friends, right? He stood still, making sure that he wouldn't get himself in trouble.

"Home...what is your plan now?..."

"*screech* *tap* *creaaak* *more screeching and creaking* (Oh, dear Wally...you didn't forget what I was after, did you now? I came up with an idea where your friends may be put to a better use. After all, they are just living here, doing nothing! Completely ignoring they are in a lost show, acting like it's nothing. It's time they realise there is a better future for us out there...)"

"You...you can't be serious, Home...I won't let you use my friends like that. They are happy where they are, here. And I am happy here too."

"*screeeeeeech* *screeeech* *creak* (You don't even know what you are missing out on. There is a much bigger problem world out there, where we can go and live completely differently!)"

"Home...I don't...We don't want that. We are grateful for how we live."

"*screaaaach* *creaaaaak* *BANG* *BANG* (Unfortunately for you, Wally, you can't do anything to stop me. YOU WON'T. YOU WILL DO AS I PLEASE!)"

Just then, Home created his ink puddle, which grabbed Wally. A piece of the ink flowed up to his heigh, right in front of his mouth. This ink then forced itself inside Wally, him coughing sickeningly right after. A disgusting and horrendous sight to see. Wally passed out, his limbs still grabbed tight, but now his body just lingered onto them like he was dead.
But soon enough, Wally woke up, being confused a little with what situation he was in. He got put down and was given a small jar of Home's ink.

"*screaaaaaach* *tap* *tap* *screaaaaaaaach* (Now, do the same to them as I've done to you...and don't even think about refusing, I am now a part of your mind and with a tad of work, I can control you...)"

Wally got sent outside and as he slowly walked away, he got goosebumps and shives. He definitely couldn't give that to his friends he held so close to heart. Especially not Barnaby... He first went to Julie's house, it was the closest. He knocked on the door and there she was - the happy ray of sunshine, welcoming Wally with open arms. The guilt, oh the guilt and pain he felt, just thinking about it, holding the jar closely to him. Then it turned black. When he could see again, Julie was on the ground with a bit of the ink trying to get swallowed by Julie. He panicked and tried to stop the ink, but was unsuccessful. Julie was caught.
Next was Frank, her best friend. He knew this like a poem. Everyone's houses. Where they were. How they lived their lives. His heart got a piece of it shattered. He hurt his friend. And he's going for another. He didn't knock. He was scared. But somehow, after he blacked out again, the door was open and in the doorframe was Frank. The same happened. He started slowly tearing up. This was so wrong. So horrible. Home was a sick entity, what only cared about himself. He saw Frank lose balance and fall to the floor. The next was Sally. But now, he felt like someone was watching him. As he slowly approached Sally's house, someone surprised him from behind.

"Boo! How are you?"

It was Barnaby. No. No no no. Not him. He couldn't lose him. But Barnaby instantly detected something was off. As he looked at Wally's face, which was from ink, with a tired expression and messy hair. He noticed the jar too and got really worried and curious.

"Pal...is all okay? What is that jar? What's in it?" , Barnaby asked, but now alerted that something was definitely wrong.

Wally was too scared at this point. But he couldn't give up, so he whispered in the quietest of a whisper.

"Help me...please..."

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