The envelope

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Wally woke up after a few hours. His head hurt. Wait...he was front of someone else. In front of Barnaby. Oh no. Now he would suspect Home. He knew he was in danger and now on top of that, his best friend Barnaby knew something he shouldn't. He got up from the bed, still feeling a little tired. The bed was really comfortable, he wished he could sleep in it more often. Before he left, he walked around the house for a while. He started to notice small details he missed at his normal visits when everything was okay. Barnaby had some pictures framed on the walls of the living room, bedroom and even in the small corridor. All of them were of him and his friends, including Wally. Especially Wally. Some printed photos were on his table, in which was him the most. It looked a little strange, they were best friends, but these photos were a little different. He put on a small genuine smile after looking at them and he felt a little warmer and happier. Someone who cares about his that much... He felt so special. He was about to turn around when he noticed an envelope on the table under all the photos of his neighbours. It wrote 'To Wally' on it and he felt a little curious. The envelope was all pink and red and was sealed with a sticker. How cute! But he wondered, why this envelope is for him? Barnaby never writes letters to anyone, only on special occasions like birthdays and parties. Maybe it is a party? That's when Barnaby entered the house and rushed to him. He quickly hid the envelope behind his back.

"Wally, you're awake? That's- What is that behind your back?"

He looked at the table with pictures scattered all over.

"Don't tell me the letter?"

Wally wanted to say "What letter?", but that would be dishonest.

"...I'm sorry, I'll put it back-"

"No, no, keep it."

Barnaby looked away and blushed.

"That letter is stupid anyways, you can throw it out if you want, I wasn't thinking right when I wrote that."

"I...I didn't read it yet...Should I?"


He looked uncomfortable and the way he spoke was different, more serious than ever, but then he tried to shake it off.

"Oh, hah...I-I don't mind! It's just...don't think of it much, okay? The letter is completely wrong, just some silly words, yeah..."

"Of course...I hope I didn't force you to do that!"

"N-No, not at all...Not at all...Hey, let's go to the others, they are all at Sally's house, she's making a performance with Julie again!"


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