Sunflower field

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The following day, Wally just wanted to relax. Yes, he hasn't done much the last few days, but now he is starting to feel much better. Home doesn't pose a threat, at least for now and while he feels good, he should use that time to enjoy the days passing by. So, be decided he would go to a sunflower field on the edge of the neighbourhood. There was a big grass field and what separated it and the road leading away was a field full of sunny yellow flowers. Also, they were one of his favourite. So he got dressed into a sweater and went outside, quietly saying bye to Home as they weren't in a very good relationship yet. The torturing and angst really set them apart. But he had better things to do than think about that. He walked behind the houses where the grass field was and there it was, the beautiful sight of the flowers. It made it even better, that is was at sunset. He's been in his house all day, wondering what to do and if he even wants to do something. Before he realised, it was already almost sunset time. And that's when he remembered the field. Now that he was there, he went and entered the sunflower field. Surrounded by the nature, he couldn't feel other than happiness and relief. As the sun slowly set, he held the flowers' heads as he admired them with a smile. Huh? What was that! Something rustled close to him, almost right next to him. He was sure he was alone and now he wasn't so sure.

"Uhm... Hello? Anybody there?"

The rustle happened again, now a little further. As he approached the sound, a hat flew into the air right towards Wally. It almost flew away, but he jumped and caught it just in time. It was a red top hat with a yellow stripe around it. He immediately recognised the hat, there was only one neighbour, that wore this hat. Barnaby. Was he spying on him?

"Barnaby...? Are you there? Hello?"

And as he expected a little, Barnaby slowly rose from the flowers, where he was hidden.

"Ah...sorry to scare you like that, Wally! I was just here to relax for a bit and when I saw you coming, I wanted to surprise you!"

"You're here to relax too?"

"Yeah. It's been a busy day for me, I've been repositioning Sally's props all day. And also goofed around Frank with my vuvuzela, haha!"

Wally smiled and held another sunflower in his hands. He then looked at the sky and then back at Barnaby.

"I...I can't tell you what exactly I've been going through. And I can't explain why. But even then, you still made me feel much better. Thank you for being there for me. You can't imagine how much this means to me."

"I'll always be there for you. Trust me. You're the most important to me of all and it will stay that way. I love-"

He slapped his hand onto his mouth. You could see the shock on his face.

", yeah. These flowers are really beautiful."

His face full of blush from embarrassment could be seen from a mile away. For him, Wally didn't seem to notice as he already looked away. But the truth was, Wally did so because he was a little smarter. His face also full of blush with hand on his cheek, he thought about what he was really trying to say. "Oh, Barnaby...what did you mean to say? Somehow, I feel like I already know the answer...but is it true?" he wondered. He turned back to him, he wanted to know.

"Barnaby, do you-"

Just as he was about to ask, Sally popped up out of nowhere. She was so quiet and sneaky they didn't hear anything.

"Hiii there, you two! I was wondering where you went, I was looking for you! Ehh...I didn't...disturb anything, did I now...?"

"O-Oh! Hi, Sally... No, not at all... What do you need?" Wally, flustered, awkwardly replied.

"I wanted to go out with you two, but now that I'm here, I might as well stay! Say, what are you doing here? Just watchin'?"

"Yeah...! Uh, the sun will set completely soon. We should probably get going!"

"Oh, alrighty! Well, see you tomorrow, maybe then we'll hang out! Byeeeee!"

As Sally ran off and Wally was about to leave too, Barnaby caught his hand.

"Sorry...What...were you trying to ask?"

"Oh, it's...nothing, really... Let's go home!"

"Alright, bud."

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