A cheerful play

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The two walked to Sally's house to watch the play. Sally was a top-notch actor, but thankfully she didn't use her abilities for anything bad. She was a trustful friend, sometimes a little too proud, but never meant to hurt anyone. Julie, too was great company, she was always happy and offered help not only to Sally and her scripts and costumes, but also everybody else. The two were a silly and cheerful duo and their plays made everyone's day better. Oh, what luck it was that the play was being performed that day! Wally needed some cheering up for sure and that was the main reason Barnaby brought him there.
They sat down next to each other and before the play started, Julie ran from backstage towards Wally with quite a worried look.

"Hi, Wally! Where have you been yesterday? And the day before! I was worried, you know! Oh, let's have a chat at Poppy's after the play, okay? Just us three and Poppy, she's baking something good again!"

They nodded and she quickly ran back behind the stage. Just then, Howdy entered and greeted everyone before coming towards the two. He was holding a small basket of apples, Wally's favourite treat.

"Hey, you two! Hello, Wally, I brought some apples with me for everyone. I know you like them. Here, take this one, it's the biggest."

He handed the big shiny red apple to Wally, who carefully held it in his hands. He also offered Barnaby some, so he took two. Howdy left to grab a seat and a moment later the lights turned off and the play began. It was comedic, but also very entertaining and professional, just like it always was. At the end, everyone applaused and started talking together. As Sally was thanking everyone from the stage and then joined the others, Julie popped from the curtains and took the two outside with Poppy following them.

"I am baking a lemon pie today, I haven't made that one in so long!"

"Yum!" Julie exclaimed while happily skipping.

They all went to Poppy's, had some amazing berry tea and later even the pie while talking things out, mostly Barnaby explaining how Wally was the last couple of days and Julie comforting Wally even though he didn't feel so sad anymore. Maybe he was making progress? If he kept that up, maybe everything would go back to normal? Maybe Home would release him from the painful hostage? Maybe...

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