The end of misery

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That's when Barnaby knew - his suspicions were true. Home was evil and it manipulated and hurt Wally. He grabbed the jar and threw it on the ground, the ink spilling out, but it being harder to move for it. He quickly ran inside his house and grabbed as much fire-creating material as he could - matches, a lighter and gasoline he had there for some reason. He then went towards Home, who suspected almost nothing of the weak dog, but as it saw what he was holding, it's eyes shot wide open. Barnaby spilled the gasoline onto Home as it watched, not being able to catch him in time. Then he lit up the matches The ink from Julie and Frank spilled out their mouths and returned to Home, who was banging and making the loudest screeeches and noises ever heard in the neighbourhood.

Earth, the life behind the screen:

"Sir, for some reason the big house is on fire. It must be someone hacking."

"Get rid of it, if it starts spreading, we'll find the culprit immediately. But for now, the house has no value, so delete it."

Back in the neighbourhood:

As the entire neighbourhood watched the house being burned down, it suddenly glitched and disappeared with the fire. Now there was just an empty spot where the house was before.

"Heh, so it's really gone..." , Barnaby chuckled.

"It's...It's over?" , Wally asked, hidden behind him.

Barnaby put his paw on his shoulder and smiled.

"Yes, Wally, you're free. You're safe now."

In a comment in the previous chapter I said it would take around 3 chapters to finish this, but I decided to speed it all up.
This is the end of the book. However, if you want me to write what happened after (by what I mainly mean the relationship between Barnaby and Wally, you silly shippers), I will try to fulfill the command.

Anyways, see you!

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