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Wally came home that evening and actually felt joy again. Now even more positive feelings. Happiness, relief and Such new and interesting things! He went over to his bedroom, where he sat behind his desk and began to write. What did he start writing? A love letter. He had felt these feeling for a longer time, but now he finally realised what they were. Love. What a feeling, he thought. Whenever he was with his dear friend, he couldn't help but smile wide and have rosy cheeks. It was a happy feeling. Like he found the place where he was the happiest. It felt way better than Home, that was for sure. As he was melting into these feelings, he wrote a confession. He didn't understand it much, nor he knew if it was a good idea in the first place, but that didn't stop him. He wanted to tell him. And for Barnaby to love him back. Just then, in the corner of his eye he noticed Barnaby's letter sitting there, unopened. Should he open it? He definitely should. Barnaby said what he wrote there was stupid and didn't make sense, but a letter is a letter and whatever was there was something he was thinking about at least once since he wrote about it. He took the pink and red envelope and peeled the sticker that sealed the envelope off. There was one small letter. It wasn't long. He read it carefully.

Dear Wally,
I've had these strange feelings whenever I was around you lately. At first, I didn't know what they were. I was confused, but I liked it. I talked to Julie about it and she told me it was love. (I told her not to tell anyone, by the way.)
Wally, I think I love you. Like, romantically. You bright up my day and I can't pretend like it's nothing anymore. Please, answer me if you love me too.
With love, your best friend Barnaby.

And there, his feelings were returned. He felt like never before. He loved him. He actually loved him. He put his pen down and sat in silence for a while. Red on his face, he was shocked and surprised, even though he kind of suspected these feelings from him.
But these feelings wouldn't keep Wally from Home. Now, Home had different plans.

"*screeeech* (Wally, please come here.)"

"O-of course."

He stood up from his desk and walked into the living room, the room where the bad things happen.

"*crack* *crack* *screeeeech* (I found a new use for you, Darling.)"

"What do you mean...?"

"*creak* *tap tap* *creaaaaak* (You will make the others useful by...a little force.)"

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