Mistakes happen

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As Wally approached Home, his knees got weaker. It had closed eyes, so that it showed no emotion and it looked like it was dark inside. He came up to the door. He knocked and the door opened slowly, the inside was pitch black. He slowly entered and as he had both legs inside, the door slammed shut and got locked. Wally gulped and looked around with just moving his eyes. He stood there, frozen in fear, waiting for anything that might happen to him. A second later, the windows became light again. Home opened its eyes and they stared at Wally intensely and threateningly. Then, black ink goo emerged from the floor corners and spreaded rapidly. What seemed like "ink hands" grew from the puddles and it grabbed Wally by his limbs, neck and waist.

"...*Creeeak*... (You weren't careful...)"

"H-Home, I-It just happened so fast, I didn't mean to-"

"*creeak, creaaaak* (Of course not. You did it on purpose.)"

"I promise, I'm sorry, Home...I didn't mean to, really-"

"*SLAM! tap tap* (YOU MEANT IT. I know it.)"

"N-No, I promise, I really didn't!"


Home grabbed him tighter and started to make him suffocate.


But Home didn't listen. It continued without any mercy. Tears started forming on Wally's face, but he was still smiling. He couldn't stop it. He was made that way and it hurt him that he couldn't be taken seriously at times. He started to feel weaker.

"Home...please...forgive me...give me another chance please...I will...behave..."

Wally was now very weak, like a rag doll. But to his surprise, Home somehow had that little mercy on him and released him from its strong grasp as Wally fell to the ground.

"*creeeeeak tap tap* (I don't like how you behave, but you are quite essential to my plan...)"

Home closed it's eyes and it turned dark again. Wally was laying on the floor, shaking and tears streaming down his face. He was too weak to stand up or sit, so he laid there and soon passed out.
A.n.: Home's creaks, taps and bangs look so funny to me, sorry if it looks a little unserious, this is the only way I can make Home speak.

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