Text messages; and defending

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Adelina had changed out of her tea stained dress and sat down at the counter

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Adelina had changed out of her tea stained dress and sat down at the counter.

"Your back early?" Her mother noticed.

"Yeah." Adelina shrugged.

"Whats wrong?" Her mother puased what she was doing.

"Nothing forget about it."

It was hours later before her mother bothered her again.

"Adelina lets go!" Her mother called up the stairs.

"Where?" She came down, a confused look on her face.

"The fishers, I told Susannah I would stop by."

Adelina stopped walking, "go without me."

"No, your coming with. Susannah wants you too." Her mother told her, ushering her down the stairs.

"Mom please." Adelina tried.

"Lets go." Adelina groaned following after her mother, she had her arms crossed as she entered the door, She had already laid eyes on Steven, who glared at her from across the room.

"Cant she just leave me alone." She heard him scoff from across the room.

"Josephine you came!" Susannah gushed, bringing the other woman into a hug, "adelina, Belly's just in the other room with the boys."

Adelina nodded, walking towards the girl.

"Adelina!" Belly exclaimed, patting the seat next to her. "Where did you go earlier."

"Probally crying." Steven snickered with the boys.

"Steven shut up!" Adelina snapped.

"Attitude much?" He asked. "What is it your lady days?"

Adelina rolled her eyes ignoring him, "I went to go change my clothes, becuase someone, decided to knock tea on my dress!" Adelina shot him a glare.

"Oh my god, do you have memory loss, you knocked tea over me too!" Steven snapped.

"Steven shush!" Belly said. "Can you mind your own busniss."

"What?! She—" Steven stopped himself, "you know what, im leaving. I cant stand to be anywhere near that ugly bitch for another second." He stormed off.

"Fuck you!" She called.

"Yeah fuck you too!" He called, walking into the same room the mothers were in.

"Steven!" Laurel scolded, but he ignored her and stormed upstairs. Jeremiah began chasing after him.

"Whats up with him?" Sussanah asked her son.

"Him and Adelina are fighting again, as always." Jeremiah rolled his eyes, "whats new?"

"I dont understand why those two cant just get along?" Josephine asked, shaking her head, "im sorry about Adelina, she's probally starting it."

"Dont be, its probally steven actually." Laurel reassured.

"I think Steven might have a little crush on her." Sussanah lowered her voice to the other mothers.

"So your going on a date?" Adelina asked belly, in a hushed whisper.

"Yeah with Cam." Belly nodded exited, "will you help me get ready?"


Both the girls rushed up to Belly's room helping her get ready.

Soon belly had left for her date and it left Adelina alone with the rest of the family for dinner.

"So Adelina, how do you like the debutante?" Susannah asked.

"Good I guess, I mean it just started so im not sure." She shrugged.

"Have you asked someone to be your escort yet?"

"Iike anybody would want to be her escort." Steven snickered, earning a harsh hit from him mother, "what its true."

"Shut up steven!" Adelina glared at him from across the table. Then turned to sussanah " And no."

"Oh my god, you will not believe what Adelina tried to do last night." Her mother quickly changed the topic.

"Mom no." Adelina tried to stop her, but all three of the boys were listening intently, anything to tease her about.

"What did she do?" Jeremiah asked.

"At three in the morning,she was  trying to sneak a boy in through her bedroom window!"

"No!" Steven gasped smirking.

"Then I caught her dangeling from the window, and fell from the second story." Steven and jeremiah by now had bursted out laughing.

"Shut up!" Adelina threw a roll at the boys.

"Wait so lemme get this right, Adelina tried to sneak a boy into her room, and fell out of her window?" Steven asked. "Who was the boy?"

"None of your busniss!" Adelina snapped at him.

"I bet it was Ciro!" Jeremiah laughed, but when she dident deny it, The boys started laughing even harder. Steven had to leave the room he was laughing so hard.

Adelina felt something slip out of her back pocket, snapping her head around she caught steven holding her phone.

"Oh shit." He ran away.

"Steven get your ass back here!" She shouted, chasing after him, up the stairs. He slammed his bedroom door shut on her face, and by the time she had opened it, Steven was sneaking out his bedroom window and sliding down the side roof. Adelina chased after him, down the street. "Come on Steven just give it back,"

He had been going through her phone, and Adelina had no idea what he had seen by now. Jeremiah had cuaghten up with them, snatching the phone from steven's hand's.

After a few moments he read something. "Oh ciro, I think your so cute. Wanna sneak through my window again? So we can fuck?" Jeremiah laughed, stopping. Adelina frowned, puasing. She had never sent that to him. "And sent." Jeremiah smirked.

"Jeremiah!" Adelina charged at him, but Jeremiah held the phone above his head so she couldent reach it. Steven reached up taking the phone out of jeremiah's hand, pressing a few buttons on the screen.

"Bro why are you deleting it?!" Jeremiah stood there shocked.

"Have some respect, man." He said, handing back the phone, he seemed frusterated for some reason, beggining to walk back to the house, Jeremiah and adelina still stood there, stunned that Steven had decided to defend her.

By the time the three of them got back the mothers were waiting by the door, glaring at the three.

"What is wrong with you boys?" Laurel asked, "making her chase you down the road?"

"Oh please, its not like she dident get it back." Steven grumbled pushing past the parents and into the house.

"Get in the car." Josephine said, as the boys went inside. Just as they were pulling out she spoke again, "starting a fight with Steven the second you walk in?"

"He started it!"

"It doesent matter, be the better person! Your stooping to his level adelina!"

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