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Adelina had found a nice guy to talk to, they were smiling and laughing

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Adelina had found a nice guy to talk to, they were smiling and laughing. The boy had one hand on her thigh and the other on her waist. He was much older than she was, though she wouldent let him know that.

"Wanna go upstairs?" He asked, moving to stand up.

"Sure." Adelina smiled, the boy grabbed her hand leading her to the stairs.

"Adelina?" A boys voice called out to her, as soon as she made it halfway up. Adelina turned slightly, eyes locking with steven's "what the fuck are you doing?"

"Go away steven." Adelina turned back to the boy, following him more up the stairs. Steven rushed up, grabbing her other hand.

"Shes fine down here." He told the boy, pulling Adelina away from him.

"Go the fuck away!" Adelina told him, pushing his hand away from hers. "Dont act like you care who I sleep with."

"What?" Steven seemed suprised, "yo shes sixteen you pedo. Get the fuck away from her."

"Oh shit." The guy's eyes widened, "my bad." And with that he left.

"What the fuck is wrong with you?" Adelina exclaimed at him.

"He was going to take advantage of you!" Steven told her, pulling her back down the stairs.

"I dont care, If I want to hook up with an asshole thats my decision!"

"No, Its not." He shook his head, heading towards the door. He had an upset look on his face, "not while your not thinking straight."

"Let go off me." Adelina once again tried to shake off his grip.

"No, im taking you home!" He pulled her out of the car.

"I dont want to go home, you bitch. Im fine here."

Steven paused turning to face her, "how fucking dumb are you Adelina, Im trying to help you out before you do something your going to regret, and fucking that guy? You'd regret that." Steven turned back around, opening the passenger seat of his car. "Get in."

Adelina sulked, but she did as he said and hopped into his car. Steven shut her door and went to the drivers side getting in.

"Why are you acting like you care?" Adelina asked him, as he started to drive.

"I do care." Steven glanced at her.

"No you don't, you've made my life a living hell ever since we met." She shook her head.

Steven stayed silent, "Im sorry."

Adelina looked towards him. "What?"

"Im sorry for being a bitch to you all these years."

"Why are you apologizing now?" Adelina scoffed.

"Because I fucking love you Adelina!" Steven said. "It doesn't matter, Tomorrow your going to wake up and not remember any shit that happened."

"So why tell me you love me when I wont remember?" Adelina frowned.

"Because you hate my guts," he said, "you wont even talk to me long enough for me to tell you, besides I'm a coward. I could never actually tell you." Steven pulled into Adelina's driveway.

"I Don't hate you." Steven laughed.

"Funny, but when your sober it'll be completely different." He turned to her.

Adelina leaned forward, going to kiss him. Steven pushed her back shaking his head.

"Go inside, Adelina."

"You said you loved me?" She questioned, "so why wont you let me kiss you?"

"Becuase your wasted, and I want our first kiss to be something you actually want."

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